Hurricane (The Charmed)

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Book: Hurricane (The Charmed) by Dianne Nutting Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dianne Nutting
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taken shelter. She could see the wind whipping the water onto the banks. She held up a finger for Chase to hold on as a shiver ran down her back. Lyla turned and walked to the bed to get a sweater.
    Chase noticed a large patch of markings on her right shoulder.
Lyla what’s that on your shoulder?
They appeared a while ago they’ve been getting more spread out I don’t know what it is I’ve been a little nervous about it but I can’t find any books that would tell me.
    Chase read the words, an unease spread through his body. Chase took his shirt off and turned his shoulder toward Lyla. The same marks were spreading on his shoulder as well, only on the right arm.
    Lyla put her hand to her mouth and gasped.
When did they start?
Our first phone call what about you?
Same. Do you think this has to do with why we’re not supposed to see each other?
If it is then it was already too late nothing we do now can change this.
Do we ask M about this?
I’m at his house now I’ll stay here a few days and look through his library it’s pretty big maybe I’ll find something.
June is a long time away
Yeah, I know
Chase I’m sorry I got you mixed up in this
Well first of all we don’t know what ‘this’ is second I wouldn’t have had it any other way If I die tomorrow it will have been worth it
    Lyla wiped a tear from the corner of her eye.
Don’t cry please we’ll find out what this is
    They said good night an hour later, both of them uneasy about the recent developments. The next day when Lyla woke, the marks had spread over her shoulder and halfway down her arm. She put a sweater on and walked down to breakfast.
    Her mother was in the kitchen already. She turned and smiled at Lyla. “What would you like for breakfast, dear?”
    “I’m not hungry. Actually, I’m not feeling well today. Can I take the day off of school?”
    “Of course.” Lyla’s mother kissed her on the top of the head and turned to resume doing the morning dishes.
    Lyla slept most of the day. By nine at night her mother walked in to take her temperature.
    “Well, you don’t have a fever.” She was looking at the thermometer and scowling.
    “I’m just tired Mom. I don’t think I’m sick.”
    “Most likely you’re just depressed. Tomorrow I want you to get up and out a little. You have to battle through this Lyla.”
    “Yes, Mom.” Lyla knew she wasn’t depressed. She was mad. Mad at her mother and father for not explaining what problem she had, mad at Mr. M who wouldn’t tell them either, mad she couldn’t see Chase.
    Her mother sighed and looked down at Lyla she placed her hands on her hips and looked around the room. “Get a good night sleep and we’ll go shopping tomorrow.”
    Lyla looked up at her mother. She didn’t think her mom had ever smiled once in her life. If she had, it was before she was born. “Okay Mom.”
    Her mother turned and walked out of the room.
    Lyla was out cold until two a.m. An unease was creeping into her blood. Lyla sat up and looked around. The room was completely dark, even the mirror. Lyla put on a pair of jeans and a sweater, slipped some socks on and plodded down the stairs to the kitchen to get some water. Just before she got to the door Lyla put a hand on her head. She felt woozy, dizzy even. She reached out to the wall to get steady but didn’t find the wall. Lyla fell to the ground, her world going black.

Chapter 6

And the changes begin
    C hase was over at Jaden’s trying not to sulk but doing a bad job of it. He was lying on Jaden’s bed throwing a ball up at the ceiling. Jaden was finishing up a paper at his desk. Chase sat upright he hadn’t felt well all day. He thought he might be coming down with something. Chase felt his forehead, yep, he had a small fever. He took his sweatshirt off and threw it across the room. He stood and looked over at Jaden.
    “Jaden, I don’t feel so good.” Chase

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