Hunter Legacy 5 Hail the Hero
designated for Australian sector Customs.
    Within the central plate section, the
center was set aside for a giant park, including a fresh water lake, and
multi-level high waterfalls. The levels above the Dock Level were designated
for retail, and was to be extensively windowed, so there was a complete view of
space from everywhere around the deck, with the internal side overlooking the
park and lake. Business spaces around the park were allocated to food, drinking
and entertainment, with many general eating areas.
    Below the Dock Level, was to be a modern
freight handling facility, with several of the lower space-scrapers dedicated
to storage.
    The remaining space-scrapers were
ear-marked for residential living spaces, offices, and more retail. The
residential included a number of large hotels, and ultra-luxurious apartments,
especially on the tips of the space-scrapers, where an all-around view could be
    Given the size of the station, we made
provision for both full sized hospitals, and smaller medical clinics.
    By the time we were finally interrupted, it
was almost midday, and I found Angel asleep in my lap.
    It was getting to be a concern how things
were happening around me, which I didn’t notice. I made a reminder to actually
follow medical advice, and get a checkup when we arrived in Dallas.
    It was George who interrupted us, walking
onto the Bridge and announcing the troops were all moved, and Custer was ready
to go. I suggested he should park the second Excalibur in Custer. My Excalibur was
on the Flight Deck, but I asked him to move it to the closest bay to the access
shafts, so I’d have as short a way to go to get to it as possible.
    George looked at me for a moment, as if to
argue over whose ship it was. I stared him down, and he left without a word. I
smiled at his retreating back, knowing exactly what he’d been thinking. He’d
spent so much time in my Excalibur in the last few weeks, he’d started thinking
of it as his.
    I went down to the Deck Two Dining Room for
lunch. Most of the team were there before me. George joined us while we were
still eating.
    Once I finished, I stood and looked down
the table. People noticed, and talk subsided.
    “It’s a fourteen hour trip to Dallas
Orbital. We’re all on stand down until we get there. Take it easy for the rest
of the day. We can expect tomorrow to have something official planned, so make
sure you’re bright eyed and bushy tailed in the morning.” There were a
number of smiles. “Commander,” I said to Greer, “Pass the
message on to all your pilots.”
    “Yes sir,” he responded. “Do
you want us in our ships?” He indicated Miriam.
    “No need. Give your seconds a chance
to lead for once.”
    “Fine sir. When are we leaving?”
    “As soon as the fleet forms up.”
    He nodded.
    “Jon,” said Aline. “Can we
watch some more of that flat screen?”
    “Do you want to continue on from where
we left off? Or actually start at the beginning of that remake?”
    “Start again please. Might make more
    “Okay, but the main character is
different, as I was a long way further along when you were watching. It’s the
same person, but a different persona.” She looked puzzled. “Get Abigail
to explain it to you. You want them now?”
    “Yes please.”
    I went into the Rec Room and threw the
first season, from way back in 2004, to the main wall. I started the first, and
paused it, let Aline know they were on pause waiting for her, and left them too
    Angel followed me up to the Bridge, and sat
on her console mat, looking forward. She turned her head to look at me.
    “Yes sweetie pie, we’re moving
    She purred, and looked ahead.
    Jane reconfigured fleet coms to only the
ships leaving with us. We formed up into an arrow formation, with the Corvettes
and Privateers forming the head. BigMother was followed by the British
Destroyers and Corvettes, with Repulse bringing up the rear.
    Four hours to the jump point, seven

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