through the contents of the bag, doing inventory, making sure he had everything they might possibly need. Most of it was weapons, but he had a few clothes and there was a long leather wallet with some cash in different currencies and his passport in it. Everything he owned was in this bag and he hoped it was everything they needed too.
The door behind him opened and Eve shuffled across the carpet, stopping right beside him, only a hair’s breadth away, so he could feel her signature tangling with his, twining together, and her sweet scent invaded his senses. She brushed her fingers through her long wet hair, squeezing out droplets that soaked into her white robe. He kept his focus on the bag and neatly laying out all of its contents on the pristine white sheets, giving her some time to pull herself back together.
She trailed a lone finger over a flash grenade. “I’ve never seen a vampire use weapons like you do.”
She picked up his black semi-auto and turned it over in her hands. Tor took it from her and placed it back in its position on the bed, uncomfortable with the thought of her handling weapons meant to kill. He reminded himself again that she was a hunter. She most likely knew how to use firearms.
It didn’t erase the need to protect her from the darker side of his life and the world.
He shrugged when she looked at him. “Guns just slow vampires down, but that means it makes killing them quicker.”
“I thought vampires had a weird thing against weapons… like it’s dishonourable?”
Tor almost smiled. “I don’t see it as dishonourable. Survival is everything to me.”
She tensed, as if he had poked a sore spot.
Tor pretended he hadn’t noticed. “I’ve done my share of killing and fighting with knives, swords and bare hands. I would rather do things more easily.”
She touched the gun again, her fingers lingering on it this time. He risked a glance at her, finding her with her dark eyes downcast, a distant look in them.
“What do we do now?” she whispered and trailed her fingers off the gun, turning to face him at the same time.
“We lay low and devise a plan. We need to keep out of sight for a few days, until we’re sure that everyone thinks that we died in that explosion and now we’re nothing but ashes.”
Eve tensed. “But Lilith will think I’m dead… again. I can’t do that to her.”
It wasn’t quite the response he had expected from her given the things she had told him earlier.
“A few hours ago you didn’t want to see your sister again, and now you do?” Tor frowned down into her eyes and she held his gaze, hers dark with determination that wasn’t going to sway him. His word was final. “You need to make up your mind what you want. Do you want revenge or do you want to go home? If you want revenge, you’re going to have to do things my way. This whole thing is outside of my mission parameters. I’m bending the rules for you.”
She fell silent and nodded, the softening edge to her rich brown eyes telling him that she understood that this wasn’t how he worked, that he never stepped out of line or went against his orders.
It grated on him, rubbing every instinct he had the wrong way and filling his head with niggling thoughts that he should forget this whole fiasco and just take her home right now.
The only thing saving his sanity was the fact that he couldn’t take her to the main Vehemens mansion in Oslo while she had people after her, people with enough determination and resources to blow up a plane at a public airstrip.
Besides, he was taking her home in a fashion. Nothing had changed but the method of transport and the schedule. Eventually, he would hand her over to Lincoln and Lilith in Oslo.
And by then he would have completed another of his mission parameters. He would have ensured that she was safe. Not from Adam and the bastard weaklings, but from herself.
Vengeance was the only thing keeping her alive right now. He had to change that. He
Amanda Ashley
J. J. Cook, Joyce Lavene, Jim Lavene
Tad Hills
John Creasey
Katherine Garbera
Stewart Meyer
Michelle M. Pillow
Starry Montana Sky
Jason D. Morrow
Scott Nicholson