How to Liv
    “Can I have everyone’s attention please?” Karen called from the other end of the table, interrupting us.  “I just wanted to say a few words for the birthday girl.  Olivia, I love you darl, you are my best friend and it is a pleasure to work with you every day.  You’re like the little sister I never had.  Your smiling face, sense of humour and friendship are the reasons why I don’t mind coming into work.”  She was making me teary.  “Now I know you said no gifts, but it’s your 30 th birthday and I wouldn’t be a true friend if I actually listened to you.  We had a little collection around the office and factory and well, here you go.”  She handed me an envelope.  “Here’s to being dirty, flirty and thirty!  I only wish I could remember back that far!”
    I opened the envelope to find it stuffed with money and a card.  The next thing I knew I was getting a huge box of flowers shoved at me by Jess and Ally was shoving another blue cocktail in my face.
    “No presents, huh?” Joel sniggered in my ear.  “Well I wouldn’t have got you anything special, if that’s any consolation,” he said, grabbing the flowers from me and placing them on the table so I could hold my drink.
    “Speech!” Daniel yelled, which was echoed by Scott.
    “Oh, um, well… thank you all for the money and the flowers and… for coming out tonight.”  My eyes flicked over to Joel, those last words directed to him.  I blushed at his glorious smile before turning back to everyone else.  “Let’s get pissed!” I said, raising my glass.  Not my usual style, not that I had any, but I just didn’t know what else to say.  They all cheered in reaction, so I guess as far as speeches go it was a hit.
    After giving out a few hugs, and a special thank you to Karen, I sat down at the table.  Joel took the seat opposite me.  I saw his eyes roam over to Eric at my side more than once, but Eric was too busy watching Jess to notice, or to touch me inappropriately, thankfully.  Jess was sitting with Scott and Daniel, joking and laughing and trying not to look in Eric’s direction.  It was obvious to me that she was trying to get a reaction out of him.  Although what reaction exactly, I wasn’t entirely sure.  Ally sat down next to Daniel and started flirting and I wondered if that meant he would be coming back to my place again tonight.  I sure hope not.
    The conversation was flowing around the table and so were the drinks.  Joel was having a relaxed chat with Karen, and I was about to excuse myself to go to the bathroom, when Eric turned towards me and spoke softly so only I could hear.
    “I think I’m gonna head off.”
    “Yeah, I don’t want to sit around where I’m not wanted.”  He looked so sad.  I hated that look on him - he was usually such a happy person.
    “Okay, but I really think you should just talk to her,” I murmured with a consoling hand on his arm.
    “She doesn’t want to talk to me, I’ve tried.”  He stood then, his head down, shoulders slumped.  He squeezed me on the shoulder.  “Have a good night, Olivia.  Happy Birthday.”  He leant down and pecked me on the cheek.
    “See ya, Eric.”
    “Bye, everyone,” he called with a wave as he walked the length of the table and then out the door.  He glanced at Jess as he passed and she actually looked him in the eye for like a second before looking away.
    As soon as Eric was out of sight, Jess headed to the bathroom.  I turned back to see Joel across the table watching me with an odd look on his face.
    “I’m going to the bathroom,” I announced, standing up.  Joel nodded.
    Jess was going through the door ahead of me when I got there.
    “What is going on Jess?”
    “I could ask you the same thing,” she snapped.  Jess never snapped.  “Is Joel your date?”
    “Yeah, I guess so.”
    “So why were you flirting with Eric?”
    “Seriously?   You think I was flirting with him?  Jess, I’m not

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