Hot Demon in the City (Latter Day Demons Book 1)

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Book: Hot Demon in the City (Latter Day Demons Book 1) by Connie Suttle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Connie Suttle
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    * * *
    "I don't have good news," Watson said the minute he walked in the door. He hadn't left a note and I hadn't been able to reach him by phone, so I wasn't the happiest person to see him at the moment.
    "What?" I demanded. Mason, who'd somehow snagged more bagged blood, was drinking his dinner beside an open refrigerator door when Watson hesitated to answer.
    "You know Claudia wasn't happy with that news guy after he made his accusations on the noon broadcast," Watson began.
    "So, uh, she made a deal with Granger."
    "What the bloody hell are you talking about?" I hissed.
    "Two of her wolves picked up the news guy at a pizza place. Kept him locked up until Granger's vamps could collect him after nightfall."
    "What are they going to do with him?" My temper was on edge, suddenly.
    "Probably just lay compulsion," Watson shrugged.
    "And if they don't? He'll be shredded and the pieces buried where nobody will find them," I snapped. "This guy is a public figure. Somebody will go looking for him if he isn't found, and that will raise even more suspicions."
    "Look, I tried to tell Claudia that, but that jerk going on about the explosion being suspicious and possibly involving the owner? Claudia doesn't take that very well."
    "What, she can't handle the truth?" I raked fingers through my hair in frustration. "You said yourself she planned this."
    "Just to get everybody off her tail," Watson hung his head. "She's done it before—just not for a while."
    "Well, I'll bet things weren't as high tech when she did it before," I said. "People could be paid off, too. Nowadays, it's harder to do that."
    "Somebody breaking the law?" Mason asked after draining his bag of blood. "Sorry," he shrugged. "Habit," he explained. Watson and I watched as he rinsed the bag in the sink, then shredded it and tossed the remains in the recycle bin.
    "I have a plan," Mason went on.
    "No," I snapped.
    "What is it?" Watson asked at the same time.
    "I was going to offer myself in exchange for nosy news guy," Mason said. "If you two go along, maybe we can nab news guy and get the hell out of there."
    "Too dangerous," Watson shook his head. "You could be toast the second they show up, and news guy could still be just as dead. Also, stop using alliteration. It's annoying."
    "I didn't think a werewolf would even know what alliteration was," Mason grinned, showing a bit of fang.
    "I have a question," I turned to Watson. "Does Claudia or anybody else know that you're staying here, and that Mason is also here?"
    * * *
    I almost couldn't believe my eyes after folding into Rick's apartment. A man was there, backed against Farin, who was, in turn, backed against the wall.
    He was protecting her from two vampires, who were ready to kill.
    Or rape first, then kill.
    "Tell us where your brother is," one attempted to lay compulsion.
    Even I could see he was too far away from Farin for the compulsion to work. I also saw that the vamp had scratches on his face.
    Well done, stranger guy , I thought as I turned back to Farin and the man protecting her.
    That's when the vamps noticed me and jumped; I must have moved or made a noise. They hadn't expected anyone to magically appear inside the apartment.
    "We're leaving," I said, pulling the brand-new knife from my boot and pointing it at them. When one of them snarled and came at me, I skipped to Farin's side, hauled her and the man into my arms and then skipped to my house before the vamps, in their attempt to grab all of us, hit the wall at Farin's back.
    * * *
    I have Farin and someone else at my house; we found vamps in Rick's condo, threatening Farin because they wanted to know where Rick was , I sent to Anita. Are the police there, yet?
    They're here , she confirmed. Rick is answering questions for them .
    I hope they haul Mike's rental in for testing , I said. You need to get Rick away the minute you can and bring him here. We'll decide where to take him afterward .
    Will do , she

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