Homemade Liqueurs and Infused Spirits: Innovative Flavor Combinations, Plus Homemade Versions of Kahlúa, Cointreau, and Other Popular Liqueurs
technically becomes melomel, and when you mix in spices it is called metheglin. Neither term trips off my tongue as easily as mead , so I choose poetry over accuracy in titling this recipe. And rightly so, for the choreography of this fragrant chai-spiced honey-and-fig quintessence is more poetical than corporeal. It is a drink so perfectly balanced and self-contained that I suggest you prepare it frequently and sip it happily unadorned.
    Makes about 1 quart
1 cup water
3 chai tea bags
1 1 ⁄ 2 cups honey
1 fifth (750 ml/3 1 ⁄ 4 cups) brandy (80 proof)
24 dried Turkish figs, chopped
1. Bring the water to a boil. Add the tea bags, remove from the heat, and set aside for 3 minutes. Remove the tea bags and stir in the honey until it dissolves. Let cool completely.
2. Mix the honey mixture, brandy, and figs in a half-gallon jar. Stir to moisten the fruit.
3. Seal the jar and put it in a cool, dark cabinet until the liquid smells and tastes strongly of aromatic spices and figs, 2 to 3 days.
4. Strain the mixture with a mesh strainer into a clean quart jar. Do not push on the solids to extract more liquid.
5. Seal and store in a cool, dark cabinet. Use within 1 year.
    Salut! Mix up a Harvest Stinger ( page 253 ).

    Prunelle Copycat Plum Brandy
    Some dried fruits are readily identifiable as descendants of their fresh forebears. Dried peaches aren’t unlike peaches. One can see that a dried apricot came from the fresh fruit of the same name. But others don’t seem to relate at all. Raisins bear little resemblance to grapes, and prunes have as much to do with plums as a beefsteak tomato has to do with a beef steak (at least the latter two complement one another on a plate). And yet plum-flavored liqueurs can be made most deliciously from prunes. This one is a classic pairing of prunes and brandy, with a hint of orange.
    Makes about 1 quart
1 1 ⁄ 4 cups vodka (80–100 proof)
2 1 ⁄ 4 cups brandy (80 proof)
24 pitted prunes, chopped
Finely grated zest of 1 orange
1 cup Simple Syrup
1. Combine the vodka, brandy, prunes, and orange zest in a half-gallon jar. Stir to moisten everything.
2. Seal the jar and put it in a cool, dark cabinet until the liquid smells and tastes strongly of prunes, about 7 days.
3. Strain the mixture with a mesh strainer into a clean quart jar. Do not push on the solids to extract more liquid.
4. Stir in the simple syrup.
5. Seal and store in a cool, dark cabinet. Use within 1 year.
    Prost! Make a Sloe Gin Fizz ( page 255 ), Elk ( page 248 ), or Prunelle Martini ( page 248 ).

    Dark and Stormy Pineapple
    Embrace the dark side of pineapple. I can relate to the light, bright, tropical-romp aspect of pineapple, all Piña Coladas and paper parasols, but I’m also partial to the big boy’s sultry side — the one that goes with baked ham, luaus, and upside-down everything. That’s the laid-back dude I’m honoring by mixing my pineapple liqueur with dark rum, cloves, and brown sugar syrup.
    Makes about 1 quart
1 fifth (750 ml/3 1 ⁄ 4 cups) dark rum (80 proof)
3 cups crushed pineapple
2 whole cloves
1 1 ⁄ 2 cups Brown Simple Syrup
1. Muddle the rum, pineapple, and cloves with a wooden spoon in a half-gallon jar. Stir to moisten everything.
2. Seal the jar and put it in a cool, dark cabinet until the liquid smells and tastes strongly of pineapple, 3 to 5 days.
3. Strain the mixture with a mesh strainer into a clean quart jar. Do not push on the solids to extract more liquid.
4. Stir in the simple syrup.
5. Seal and store in a cool, dark cabinet. Use within 1 year.
    Skål! The perfect spike for rum punches, Mai Tais (Coconut Mai Tai, page 250 ), or a New-Fashioned Old-Fashioned ( page 249 ).

    Kiwi Lime
    Like many exotic fruits, kiwi has a tutti-frutti personality — grape, citrus, honeydew, and pineapple all genomed into one adorable little package. With its fuzzy-wuzzy skin, vegetable-green flesh, and graphic ring of onyx-black

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