Home for Love (An Adult Contemporary Romance)

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Book: Home for Love (An Adult Contemporary Romance) by Aneesa Price Read Free Book Online
Authors: Aneesa Price
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this instance as our most recent match proves
    Todd sat back and sipped his now tepid
chocolate drink. “Should we watch a movie instead?” Bree didn’t respond and he
could see the thoughts roll around in her head as she bit her lip in
    “I’ll let you watch one of those chick
flicks,” he offered.
    “You always hated those,” she said.
    “Nope, didn’t hate them,” he argued, “I
watched enough of them with you when we were dating.”
    “That’s because you wanted to get into
my pants, Mr. Hunter,” Bree retorted then immediately drew back from the
conversation. That was so not the way to go in this conversation; not when they
were stuck alone in the house with candles flickering everywhere.
    “Darn it,” said Bree in fake
disappointment, “the power’s out. It was a good idea anyway though.”
    “Oh, don’t throw in the towel yet,
Bree.” He made for the staircase, “I’ll make a plan. You just sift through the
DVD’s and choose something.”
    Bree took her time to flip through the
DVD’s, not seeing what kind of plan he could make, and wondering what the heck
he was doing upstairs. Moments later, a proud Todd came into the room bearing a
    “I left this with Amber the other night
to play those girlie games on,” he grinned at her. “It was plugged in so the
battery should be able to give us a good few hours. You can choose two DVD’s I
    Drat! She watched Todd happily set up
the Laptop on the card table and scoot it over to the sofa. To watch the tiny
screen they’d have to sit right next to each other. Arguing with the seating
arrangements would make a big deal out of it and might make him think that she
had feelings for him. Feeling outmaneuvered, she stated, “I guess I’ll go make
us some popcorn. You still like butter on it?”
    Todd looked up, meeting her eyes and
nodded. Oh, boy. Maybe popcorn and something else, she thought, taking her hot
chocolate with her.
    When Bree returned, it was with popcorn,
glasses, wine, and cans of soda. She’d left her mug in the kitchen, now empty
of hot chocolate. She saw and blithely ignored his raised brows when he spotted
the wine. Stuff it. She’d take courage tonight wherever she could get it,
because her libido was wimping out on her.
    “You didn’t choose something,” Todd
said, picking up a DVD, “so I picked this one. I remember that you loved it.”
    Romeo and Juliet featuring Leonardo -
just great! Exactly what she did not need - a movie about star-crossed lovers!
“Great,” Bree responded a bit too brightly. Her previously lingering fingers
now decisively headed for the bottle of wine. Handing a glass to Todd, she took
her own to her mouth for a big swallow. The stuff was as hideous as she
remembered. She didn’t have any philosophical objections to alcohol; she just
didn’t enjoy the taste. So, she just hadn’t had any alcohol since her early
experiments. Well, she was certainly making up for it tonight.
    The movie was predictably sad and
beautiful and with each lover’s tryst, as uncomfortable as expected. During the
movie, Todd had scooted closer and had even gotten a blanket out to cover them.
It reminded her of how they used to do this as teenagers; only then, the
excitement was a pleasurable one. Now, it was torturous.
    Towards the end of the movie, Bree had
forgotten all about her resolve to keep Todd away, her heart mellowed by the
alcohol. Laying her head on his shoulder, she felt exactly as she had with him,
in this situation, before. The feel of the warm wool covering his hard chest
was comforting, his arm steady, and creating the cozy feeling of being held
safely, lovingly. Inhibitions gone, she snuggled closer to him and snaked her
arm around his waist, loving the feel of his hard abs against the soft wool.
Wondering what it felt like beneath the wool, Bree slid a hand underneath and
me with hot, searing flesh. The ripples fascinated her and she played along

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