Holding Her in Madness

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Book: Holding Her in Madness by Kimber S. Dawn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kimber S. Dawn
Tags: Erótica, Literature & Fiction
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the words at him over my shoulder. “You knew I was with Lil. You’d have to be fuckin’ blind to not see I was serious about her compared to all the other bitches you’ve seen me with, Josh. Dammit, man. If I’d have known this shit, I could’ve approached Mr. Shaw a damn month ago and avoided the shit-storm headed my way. Hell, the least I could’ve done was get to know her brother Allen a little better. Not treated him like an irritating kid, but like a freakin’ friend. Had him in my corner. Shit!”
    “Whoa, whoa... Nuh uh, Leo. You don’t fuckin’ talk to David Shaw, especially about his daughter. Not if you plan on walking away with your balls still attached. You listening to me, man?”
    “And why the fuckin’ hell not, Josh?” I open my fourth beer and chug its entire contents in one upturn of the bottle before throwing it, smashing it against the side of the shed.
    “‘Cause, man. Just fuckin’ take my word for it. No one is good enough for Lil in Mr. Shaw’s eyes. Especially someone like us, dude. He’ll never let it fly. The only reason you got the time you got with Lil is because her parents have no fuckin’ clue that you even exist. We’re trash, man. Take what you got to have with Lil, take this summer. ‘Cause that’s all you’re ever gonna get with her.”
    “No, it’s not. I’m getting her forever. She’s mine, and goddammit, no one will take her away from me. No one. Mark my words, asshole. And get the fuck out of here. I got shit to do. Leave the beer. I’ll get you another twelve-pack later. AFTER I get finished at Lil’s house talking this shit out with her dad.”
    Sighing, Josh stands up, dragging his hands down his face, before he turns around and walks off. “It’s your fucking funeral buddy. Let me know when you need me, ‘cause your ass is gonna need me. Either to bail you outta jail or to peel you off the concrete, your ass is gonna need me.”
    “Whatever, Josh. Thanks for the beer, but don’t worry. I’ve got this shit handled.”
    I sit down on a cinderblock, open another beer and take a swig. Then I light up a cigarette. I let my mind go back over everything Josh just told me.
    Okay, so Mr. Shaw is gonna be a hard sell.
    I’ve never been good with authority figures—or authoritative assholes—but I think I can keep my mouth shut the fuck up long enough to hear what he has to say after I give him my spiel and my plans for Lil’s and my future.
    I can just say ‘Yes, sir,’ and ‘No, sir.’
    I can. And I will—for my little firecracker I’ll bite my damn tongue, be polite. I’ll make sure Mr. Shaw knows how much I love Lil and that I’d do anything in the world, in my power, to make my girl happy.
    And no matter what, I’ll keep my fuckin’ mouth shut about the baby.
    Because it doesn’t matter what Mr. Shaw wants. Once that baby makes itself known, there will be nothing keeping me away from my firecracker. Not one damn thing.
    A smile spreads across my face when I think about the ace I have up my sleeve. Excitement zips through my nerve endings. I stand up, pulling a long, deep drag off my cigarette before flicking it into the ashtray. Getting back to work, I let the heavy feeling and gut-twisting thoughts that my discussion with Josh caused to weigh my shoulders down and make me sick to my stomach slip away just like that. Just that easy.
    They can’t keep me away from Lil. I’m the father of her baby. I’m gonna marry my firecracker. And there isn’t a single fucking thing that will stop me either.
    The sun’s setting, and I’ve just finished sweeping out the shed. Everything’s been cleared out, and I got the fuse box working again so the lights work. “Not fuckin’ bad at all if I do say so myself.” I can’t help but feel proud of this little shed. It’s going to be the perfect place to get my bike fixed up.
    “Yep, fucking perfect,” I sigh then scoop up the last box of old shit I decided was ‘not trash’ and head around

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