money shower.” Baby girl was crunker than Lil John when he was with the Eastside Boys. Truth leaned over the table slightly and had that booty making waves. I was hypnotized. I wanted to grab her by her hair and fuck the shit out of her from the back right then but I held back because we were in the club. Had this been at my place she would have got this dick. I thought to myself, yep, this will be my wife. I’m loving everything about her already. Shorty didn’t even know it but she had me open. I continued to watch her a little longer, then reached into my pocket and pulled out my wad. I started making it rain hundreds all over her. I didn’t mind giving her none of my money because she was worth every penny for the show that she was putting on for me. I felt a buzzing on my hip but right now nothing or no one can take my attention away from baby girl. The buzzing stopped then started again and again I ignored it. The only reason I ended up looking away from her was because someone tapped me on my shoulder. When I saw my ex standing there all I could do was shake my head. I forgot I told her about the party. She had gotten on my nerves so bad about seeing me that I invited her to come just so she could shut up whining. I hope baby girl don’t flip out on me and I lose my chance at life with her.
Chapter 10 Truth I was facing Myst so she gave me a wink of the eye with a smirk on her face and I knew something was up. I looked over my shoulder at the face that tried to stop my show. When I looked back I saw it was this chic that I can’t stand named Epiphany Sanchez. This heifer has had it out for me since we were kids. I’ve had to beat this chic a few times and tonight would be no different if she got out of line. I kept right on doing what I was doing. I leaned back against Legend’s chest and rubbed my butt on his dick. I started rubbing up and down my body and I could see her face turning beet red. I was loving every moment of it. “So Legend you and this bitch are going to sit here and disrespect me like this?” She tried to yell over the music. “Man Epiphany, I am busy right now so go do you.” He replied nonchalantly. I had a huge smile taunting her to go ahead and make a fool of herself. “Yes, Epiphany he is busy so move around. “You shut up bitch, I’m not talking to you.” She said with her fists balled. “No need for the name calling Piph, just leave.” He said. She picked up a drink off the table as if she were going to throw it and that’s when all hell broke loose. I kicked the drink out of her hand in into the face of her friend then round house kicked that broad in the chest. She flipped over the seats behind her and her friend tried to swing at me. Before her friend could get a full swing Myst stepped in and punched her in the nose. Star, Lala, Faith, Alex and Red were right behind Myst. We beat the hell out of them in less than two minutes. The bouncers tried to grab me and I hit him in the throat, kneed him in the balls and kicked him in the face bringing him down hard. No one else wanted to touch me after that. The bouncers had the other girls under control but I would whip all of their asses if they touch me. I looked the bouncer in the eye that was approaching and Legend told him that he has me. I straightened my dress, grabbed my clutch and told the girls lets go. I was pissed at the fact that he had both of us come there. Who does he take me for? I am not going to play this game with him or any other man. Legend came running after me and I kept right on walking. He grabbed my wrist and tried to pull me into him. I twisted his wrist for him to let me go and threw his arm into him. Then I rushed inside the limo with my girls on my heels.
Chapter 11 Epiphany I was prepared to get my man back tonight. I am sick and tired of Danger’s abusive and possessive ass. He can’t seem to keep his meat in his pants