His Lordship's Chaperone

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Book: His Lordship's Chaperone by Shirley Marks Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shirley Marks
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regarded Catherine
through her lowered eyelids. “Was I mistaken about Haverton and the ladies?”
    How was Catherine to tell the Duchess? Her son had
attracted every female within eyesight—theirs not his. “I’m afraid that you may
have underestimated his difficulties.”
    “Is that so? How interesting. Do go on.”
    “You see, I followed Lord Haverton to the garden. I
thought he might have wanted to be alone but he hadn’t asked me to remain
behind. It was a bit awkward at first. I felt as if I were intruding on his
privacy. It wasn’t until a short while later that I understood why he had
insisted I keep him in sight at all times.”
    “What happened?”
    “At first, his lordship was alone. Then a young
lady appeared, seemingly from nowhere. Thinking back on it, I suppose she must
have been hiding there, waiting for him all along.”
    “Really?” The Duchess straightened in her seat.
    “As it turns out the young lady was unchaperoned.”
    “Yes, I see.” The Duchess hadn’t envisioned that
her son was actually prey. If she had heard this tale from a man she might not
have believed it. “Please continue.”
    “The young lady behaved very … well, her behavior
was most … lacking what I would consider a proper lady’s behavior.” Catherine
glanced from the Duchess back to her folded hands. “It was very awkward when I
had to intervene. Lord Haverton praised my actions and assured me I behaved
within complete accordance of my duties.”
    “And what was the reaction of the guests when they
discovered you were Haverton’s chaperone?”
    “They thought it humorous at first. All of them
laughed but then there were several gentlemen who exclaimed that it was a
brilliant idea.”
    “Did they?” The Duchess touched a finger to her
cheek in a very thoughtful manner. “Once we arrive at Madame Suchet’s we shall
hear the latest on dit . Let’s not let on that you are
Robert’s chaperone. We’ll keep our ears open and our lips sealed.” Her Grace
glanced out the window and patted Catherine on the arm. “Ah, here we are now.”
    Once inside, the Duchess made the introductions.
She referred to Catherine as Miss Hayward and no more. No mention of her past,
no mention of her connection to the Duchess and no mention of her current position.
    Madame Suchet’s maid brought tea. Catherine poured
while the Duchess had private words with the seamstress.
    “The other dresses can wait. The evening gowns
cannot,” Her Grace decreed, heading toward Catherine.
    “She may choose from the collection of ready-made
gowns,” Madame Suchet replied. “There are several very fine gowns that, with
some small alterations, can be ready in a day or two.”
    “She must have one by tomorrow evening. There can
be no misunderstanding about that,” the Duchess stated firmly.
    “But of course. As you wish.” Madame Suchet pulled
out her tape and gestured for Catherine to stand on the box. The modiste
hovered around Catherine, taking measurements and marking in a notepad.
    In the momentary silence, the conversation from the
next room drifted in.
    “The Marquess of Haverton has hired a chaperone for
himself!” a voice boomed from the room next door.
    The Duchess sat positively motionless, holding her
tea cup suspended in midair.
    “It was astounding. I would not have believed it
had I not seen it for myself,” a second voice commented.
    A red-faced Madame Suchet dashed to the door and
latched it, much too late. “ Pardonez-moi , I do not
wish to cause you any embarrassment.”
    Catherine and the Duchess exchanged glances. At
that moment, she had a peculiar feeling Her Grace was more concerned with what
harm the gossip would do to Catherine than to her son.
    “What’s that they’re saying about Lord Haverton?”
the Duchess asked the modiste.
    Madame Suchet’s wide smile broke into a hardy
laugh. “I am sorry, Your Grace.” She covered her mouth
to staunch her outburst and took a moment before continuing. “It is

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