now' he said. It was
a legitimate verbal transfer of ownership according to the rules my
first master taught me. My name is Courtney, by the way, but as I
said you can call me whatever you want. If you want me to answer to
anything other than my name you have to let me know though. I'm also
used to responding to Slut very nicely since my first master trained
me to it. I'll probably answer to that even if you don't tell me to.”
Blake shook his head again, wondering what exactly had he gotten
himself into. He went back to focusing on what he could do something
about right now.
“Do you like chicken Courtney? What would you like to
“Yes I do and water would be fine.”
“Stay here, I'll be right back.”
Blake picked up the knife from the floor and tossed it into a
trash can on the way to the food counter. It was a nasty looking
shiv, sharp but with streaks of something black on it that would
probably get into any wound inflicted and infect it.
Blake came back with a grilled chicken salad and a bottle of water
for Courtney. He figured if she hadn't eaten since yesterday that she
wouldn't be wanting greasy fried foods and grilled would be better.
Blake still had the rest of his own lunch in front of him so, despite
it being slightly the worse for wear due to the interruption, he
finished it as Courtney ate her food.
Courtney ate slowly and almost daintily. She would take a small
bite of the salad and chew it thoroughly before swallowing. Each bite
was followed by a small sip of water. The few times she got dressing
on her lips her pink tongue would slide out to skillfully dab away
the offending material.
Blake finished his food far more quickly than Courtney and sat
there, watching her eat. Her brown hair had streaks of lighter colors
at the bottom. Blonde, copper, and bronze intertwined with the
majority of dark brown strands near the ends of her hair. Farther up,
there was a hint of red mingled with the brown, not enough to be
called auburn but enough to be noticed. Her skin-tone held hints of
brown and yellow, suggesting that there might be some oriental blood
somewhere in her ancestry. She was neither thin nor stout although
her arms, revealed by the t-shirt she was wearing, suggested that she
was in shape since there was muscle visible in both her forearms and
firm biceps.
Blake had tried to keep his scrutiny away from the other parts of
her body that a man might normally be interested in. He had no clue
what was going on here since his brain refused to take her statements
at face value. As far as he was concerned, that type of thing just
didn't happen in real life. So, until he had a firmer grasp on what
was going on, he resolved to not check her out as a woman.
He didn't truly manage that resolve very well. He'd already
noticed that she filled her t-shirt without stretching it out and
that her legs, visible under the micro-mini she was wearing, were
long, fit, and smooth.
Once she finished eating, she looked at Blake expectantly. They
just sat there for several minutes. Blake was wondering what she
wanted now while Courtney was simply being patient with her new
master. Once the silence grew uncomfortable Blake ended it:
“Are you better now, not hungry any more?”
“Yes Blake, thank you.”
“I'm leaving to head home, are you going to be okay? Do you
need a ride home or something?”
“Yes, I could use a ride home Blake.”
“Okay then, come with me.”
3 – Her History
Blake rose and led the way out to the parking lot where he had
parked his car. Courtney dutifully followed, carrying a small duffel
bag with her. Blake once again failed his recent resolution by
noticing that she was wearing four inch heels and knew how to move in
them very well.
Once they were in the car he asked her:
“Where should I drop you?”
“Home, of course.”
“Where is that?”
“I don't know, I'm yours now so you can make that call,
although I'd prefer it to be your home.”
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