Hellsbane 01 - Hellsbane

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Book: Hellsbane 01 - Hellsbane by Paige Cuccaro Read Free Book Online
Authors: Paige Cuccaro
Tags: Romance, Paranormal, demons, Angels, fallen, Entangled, paige cuccaro
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Besides, the logistics of survival demand we keep some semblance of normalcy. I’ve got bills. I like to eat occasionally. What’re we supposed to do about the basics?”
    “Bills?” He laughed. “You’re nephilim, woman. The child of angels. The world is ours. There’s no such thing as bills.”
    I gave him the once-over. He clearly wasn’t a slave to the latest fashions, so his wardrobe probably didn’t drain his finances. But he still had the everyday expenses of survival. “So what do you do for food, shelter?”
    He puffed his lean chest. “I take what I want, eat what I like, and sleep wherever my head falls to rest.”
    “You’re a thief,” I said.
    Liam straightened, his hand dropping to the hilt of his sword, his orange brows tightening over the flash of green fire in his eyes. “I’m an illorum, warrior of God, executioner of His Word. I rid the world of those judged and sentenced so their wickedness no longer pollutes His Creation. And for that, humans should be grateful.”
    “Ya think?” I shrugged, refusing to be intimidated by a prideful leprechaun. “From what I heard, God didn’t give us this assignment because we’re His go-to guys.”
    Liam’s offense seemed to ease a bit. He shook his head. “Speak English, woman. You’re makin’ no sense.”
    “It’s Emma,” I said, because if he called me “woman” or “lassie” one more time, I was gonna slap him.
    I nodded my approval. “I mean, this gig isn’t so much a reward as a punishment. He gives us this crappy job that forces us to abandon everything that matters to us. The power we get is only enough to keep us from being creamed. Everything else we care about is stripped away. Call me crazy, but I don’t think acting like the angelic assholes we’re hunting is going to get us off His divine shit-list.”
    For three solid heartbeats Liam stared at me, his brow tight, his expression unchanging, and then he suddenly shook with an explosion of laughter. “Aye, lass—sorry, Emma. You are a crazy bird, I’ll give ya that. But you’re a woman, so I suppose that’s explanation enough.”
    “Think what ye likes, missy. But mark me words. If you don’t break ties with what you hold dearest in your heart, they’ll all pay the price.” He walked past me, then stopped and looked back over his shoulder.
    “We’re chosen, Emma. There’s no question on that. If you want to live out the year, you’d do well to see it as a blessing.” And then he was gone, a blur of movement, a gust of wind. Pretty impressive for a man who looked like a leprechaun.
    I turned, heading back to the restaurant. Too bad he wasn’t really one of the magical green men—I could’ve made him grant me a wish. I’d have given anything not to be the one to have to tell my mother she’d cheated on my dad without knowing it.
    And I was the proof.

    Mom and Lacey, my older sister, were already sitting at a table when I came back into Primanti’s. I checked my watch. They were a half hour late—right on time for my family. They’re not perfect, but they love me.
    My mother was a petite beauty in her day. Now she was just Mom. Her hair, once a thick coco-brown, was thinner now, but the same color, although it came from a bottle to cover the gray. Her bright, greenish-blue eyes were half-hidden by sagging lids and by the bifocals balanced on the end of her nose as she read the menu.
    Lacey spotted me first as I made my way to their table. My sister was seven years older than I was, and I don’t think she ever really forgave me for ruining her chance to be an only child.
    She was the perfect combination of my parents. Lacey had my late dad’s height and thick, wavy hair. She’d inherited Mom’s curvy shape, her full lips, and her stunning green eyes. At five-foot-six, with naturally straight, white teeth and hair the color of sugar cookies, she’d always been the favorite of both our parents.
    “Where have you been?”

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