Heartsong (Singing to the Heart Book 2)

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Book: Heartsong (Singing to the Heart Book 2) by Sara Walter Ellwood Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sara Walter Ellwood
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    With a frustrated push, the door opened and he climbed out of the sports car. Why had he told Michaela his plan to adopt Jesse? He should have known how the conversation was going to go to hell.
    All she’d ever done was find fault in everything he did. Michaela thought he slept his way to the top. Hell, a lot of people thought that, especially after the release of the stink bomb that was his second album. So, why did her belief that he did cause a sharp pain in the middle of his forehead like someone was poking him with a penknife from the inside of his skull?
    He made his way to the bank of elevators and pushed the up button.
    The vision of moonlight shining through the window next to their bed in the bunkhouse and turning her skin silvery flashed before his eyes. In the pale light, he’d kissed his way from her firm breasts down her belly to the hot, wet, sweet place between her legs.
    “Shit,” he hissed through his teeth and tapped the up key again. He dragged in a breath, glad no one was around to see the bulge he sported in his tight jeans. How could he have a hard-on for a woman who irritated the hell out of him?
    Maybe he should find a woman and get himself laid. But he knew a meaningless fuck with just anyone he wanted wouldn’t help. Hadn’t for a long time, if ever. He wanted one particular woman.
    As the door slid open, he scowled and stepped in.
    Hell would be enjoying snowball fights and the devil would be ice fishing on the River Styx before he’d ever touch Michaela Finn again.
    Music blaring over a sound system greeted Gabe when he stepped off the elevator. Gritting his teeth, he rushed to the door of his luxury suite. He dug his key card out of his jeans pocket and opened the door, dreading what he’d find on the other side.
    Scantily dressed women danced provocatively with his band members and the men of Gabe’s production crew in the living room. Alcohol freely flowed and cigarette smoke hung at the ceiling of his non-smoking room like a low ominous storm cloud.
    “Isn’t this great?” Joel Horner, the bass guitar player in Gabe’s band, rushed over and flung an arm around Gabe’s shoulders. His long dark hair hung around his face, reminding Gabe of a hair band member from the eighties. Joel flashed a cocky grin. “You’ve been way too glum lately. So, we planned a little pick-you-up party.”
    “Fuck.” Gabe gritted through clenched teeth and moved away from the one-time hard rock-turned-country musician. “What the hell?”
    The last thing he wanted was a party in his posh hotel suite. His flight to Texas was scheduled to leave at six in the morning. All he wanted to do right now was crash for a few hours and try not to think about the woman he couldn’t have.
    Or the little boy Gabe loved with all of his heart.
    Joel straightened, affronted. “A party, man. Remember? You used to have ’em all the time. What the hell’s going on with you? You might have lost someone you’re close to. But, damn, man, tonight’s show was downright painful. You were like a robot out there. But this goes beyond that. You haven’t been yourself for months. The guys and me decided to remind you of the good old days. Ever since Gary came on the scene, you’ve changed.”
    “I think you should remember where we were headed before Gary took us on.” Gabe shook his head and forced his hands to stay relaxed at his sides. He owed his best friend, Seth Kendall, for talking Gary into taking him on. Gary’s rules were strict, but under his management, Gabe’s career was bigger than even he’d ever dreamed. “I can’t afford to trash hotel rooms anymore.” What was wrong with him? He wasn’t a wet blanket, but he sure was acting and feeling like one. Why didn’t everyone go the hell home?
    Two of his other band members watched the confrontation happening in the entry of Gabe’s suite. A woman approached wearing a short, shimmery tank dress. The top plunged deep to show off her ample

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