Heart of the Vampire (Vanderlind Castle)

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Book: Heart of the Vampire (Vanderlind Castle) by Gayla Twist Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gayla Twist
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hurrying down the road, clapping a hat to my head with one hand and toting the suitcase with the other.
    Things jumped around, like they do in dreams. Suddenly , I was in the woods, and I was in a panic. My hat was gone and my suitcase along with it. At first, I was urgently trying to find Jessie, but then I became aware of something else in the woods. Something sinister; something hungry; something looking for me. I could hear it sniffing the air. Panic overtook me, and I began to run. Not an intentional sprint to safety but a flight of terror in whatever direction my feet took me as long as it was away from the creature.
    My leg got tangled in a root, but this time in the dream , I didn’t just trip. It was as if a claw had burst from the ground to grab me by the ankle. I screamed as I fell. A foolish thing to do, but the terror just exploded from my mouth. The creature found me in an instant, plunging through the woods, smiling, gleeful, like a wild dog excited as it closed in for the kill.
    And then the worst part . It was always the most horrible part of the dream. The moment when I recognized the bloodthirsty creature, when I realized the beast was my love. The monster was Jessie.
    But this time, as Jessie gleefully closed in for the kill, Grandma Gibson sprang from the shadows, flinging herself between us. She was in her long nightgown and robe. Her silver hair was ridiculously long, hanging well past her waist, and was being whipped through the air by a wind that I hadn’t realized was blowing. “Stop!” she commanded, her entire being shimmering with a blue glow.
    Jessie was propelled backward like he had been struck in the face by a weighty object. He emitted a high, animal shriek.
    “You cannot touch her,” my great grandmother said in a powerful voice. “You must leave Aurora alone.”
    Jessie wasn’t really Jessie anymore. He was more like an animal on four legs. I could tell by his eyes that he hated me and wanted nothing more than to end my life, but he couldn’t get by Grandma Gibson. His eyes shifted, scanning the area, looking for a way to attack me, a way to elude my grandmother, but she saw this, too. “Leave!” she bellowed, thrusting the palm of her hand toward him, the glow around her becoming more intense.
    The beast let out a whimper of pain then turned and ran off into the woods.
    I woke up covered in sweat, my alarm clock blaring at me. It had obviously been ringing for quite some time , and I had somehow slept through it. I was late for school.
    I had to scramble, forgoing a shower or any type of hair management. I just stuffed my crazed curls into a ponytail, scraped the sleep off my face, and freshened with some lip gloss and a bit of mascara.
    Fred showed up at my locker before homeroom looking like a kicked puppy. “I’m sorry I said what I said on Saturday.”
    “Huh?” I was already flustered and madly grabbing books out of my locker.
    “You know.” His voice dropped down to a whisper. “About falling in love with you.”
    My stomach gave a giant lurch. “Oh, Fred. Don’t be sorry... I mean, I’m the one that’s sorry.”
    “Yeah,” he said, his head hanging a little. “I kind of figured ‘We need to talk’ was code for you don’t want to date me anymore.”
    He looked so miserable that I felt the guilt flooding over me. “I’m going to be late,” I said, glancing at the clock in the hallway. As it was, I was going to have to sprint. “Can we talk at lunch?”
    “Okay,” he said. Then, remembering something he had planned, he added, “Yeah, I can’t make lunch. After school?”
    Outwardly I said, “Okay,” but inwardly I was thinking, “Crap!” I wanted to wash my hair and get in the right head space for infiltrating the vampire fortress —aka going over to Jessie’s house to meet his mom. The bell rang, and we both started sprinting without another word, already late for homeroom.
    Mrs. Stokes gave me the stink eye as I barged into the class while

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