Heart of Steele

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Book: Heart of Steele by Randi Alexander Read Free Book Online
Authors: Randi Alexander
and made conscious movement
    He stripped off his underwear and strode
toward her. Hard, long, and thick, his cock bobbed with each step.
The mushroom-shaped head begged for her to suck it. “You look at me
that way, I’m not gonna have much restraint, sugar.”
    “Good. I want you that way.” She reached for
him as he stepped into the tub, and she slid her wet body along his
dry, hard one. Against her belly, his shaft pressed hot and
    His hands caressed her shoulders, down her
arms, as his breathing became faster. “Damn, you’re beautiful.”
    Tracy slicked her dripping palms over his big
shoulders, down his arms, loving the corded muscles as they flexed
with his movements.
    He touched her hips where they barely flared,
then cupped her ass cheeks. She wasn’t lush and curvy like Reno,
but he seemed to like her the way she was.
    “You’re perfect.” He kissed her, his tongue
gliding along hers, twisting with it. Pressing a kiss to the corner
of her mouth, he threaded his fingers into her hair, nearly pulling
it loose from the clip holding it up. “I’ve wanted you, Tracy, for
a while, now.”
    His words sent fresh shivers along her
    He kissed her jaw, her neck, then slowly
lower until he took the peak of her breast into his mouth.
    Tracy grabbed his hair, holding on as he
suckled her and nipped at her. Tingles of desire raced to her belly
and lower, heating her and swelling the tender flesh between her
    His hand slid down her back to caress her
bottom, his fingers moving lower, exploring deeper. Arching her
back, she opened herself to his probing touch.
    Releasing her nipple, he kissed a trail to
her other breast and licked it, circling kisses until he took her
peak between his teeth and flicked it with his tongue.
    Her hips jerked and she cried out, the sound
echoing on the tiles.
    Using his fingertips, he explored her anal
opening, rubbing softly. He stroked lower, along her bare pussy
    Her legs quivered, the need to wrap them
around him nearly making her stumble.
    Steele nibbled his way down her belly, knelt,
and nuzzled the tender spot just above her mound. He lifted her leg
and eased it onto his shoulder. “Hang on to me, sugar.”
    Sliding one hand from his hair to his
shoulder, she propped herself up. Under her palm, his muscles
bunched and his skin felt so hot, she was surprised the water on
her hand didn’t sizzle.
    Leaning back, he looked at her and licked his
    Spread wide for him, quivers raced along her
pussy lips and deep into her core.
    His breathing quickened and cooled her as it
puffed against her wet folds. “You are incredibly sexy, Tracy. That
was the first thing I noticed about you.” He leaned forward and
pressed a kiss to the top of her mound. “You have a way of enticing
a man.”
    “No, not just a man.” She swallowed. “You,
Steele. Only you.” It was true. She’d never felt a sexual pull as
strong as the one he unleashed in her.
    “Jeez.” He nuzzled his lips along her slit.
“You make me feel like...” He groaned and lapped at the juices she
could feel dripping from her core. The hand cupping her ass
tightened, tipping her hips for better access.
    With wild, open-mouthed kisses, he tasted all
of her he could reach, back further than she’d let any man go, but
Steele, she trusted with everything. As he licked her anus and
speared it with the tip of his tongue, Tracy’s thighs tightened as
an urgent ache contracted the muscles of her canal.
    His free hand slid along the bottom of her
thigh until his fingers brushed her pussy opening. “So slick,
sugar.” Those gorgeous gray-green eyes looked up at her face. “The
way you respond to me is so damn hot.” Something changed in his
eyes. “Tracy.” He pressed his lips to her mound and dove his tongue
inside, finding her clit and tweaking it rapidly. His fingers
parted her pussy lips and pressed inward, upward, filling her as he
slid them all the way in.
    The combination blew

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