Hardcore: Volume 1
why you would ask a stranger to fuck you on a rooftop.”
    I pursed my lips and looked down at my plate, shocked.
    “I don’t mean it like that.” He touched my hand on the table. “I just mean I wanted to understand why you would want that.”
    It was an honest question, I knew. I met his eyes and gave him the truth. “You asked me what I was running from. That question has a million answers and none. I know you meant why I was running from you, but it felt like you were asking me … more.” I shifted in my seat and redirected my words, not wanting to give him any more than I had to. “On top of your accidental existential question, my adrenaline was raging, and I don’t know if you know this, but you’re what the ladies refer to as ‘eye candy.’” I made air quotes with my fingers.
    He laughed, the mood instantly a little lighter, a little less intense. “Yeah, seeing you in the daylight didn’t help me get over the obsession. If you on the rooftop wasn’t one of the hottest things I’d ever seen, hearing you say my name was, knowing what I knew about your body when you didn’t even know who I was. But to answer your question, I just want this from you. A little bit of your time. To hear you say my name a few more times.”
    I swallowed the lump in my throat. “Van.” I leaned across the table.
    “Again.” He met me half way, touched my cheek, slipped his fingers into my hair.
    My chest ached as his lips hovered over mine. “Van,” I whispered.
    His lips crashed into mine, fevered and fast. I didn’t know when he stood, only that he was suddenly kneeling in front of me. Our hands were all over each other as I wrapped myself around him, and he stood, taking me with him, carrying me through the living room with his hands on my ass. I pulled away, and we panted, staring at each other’s mouths.
    His arms snaked around me, his hands up my back in a split second as he pulled me into his body, our lips finding each other again, and I flexed my legs around his waist. He didn’t need any more permission than that to carry me to his dark bedroom.
    I didn’t let go when he laid me down, bringing him down with me. My hands flew to the hem of his shirt and underneath, up the ridges of his abs. He pulled away and reached back, grabbed his shirt, and yanked it off as I scrambled out of mine, then out of my jeans. I moved up the bed, chest heaving while I watched him drop his pants, exposing his ass, his perfect ass, not to be contained by such earthly things as underwear. He turned to me, but my eyes were on his cock. My entire body tightened at the sight.
    He climbed up my body, kissing up my thigh, pausing to suck my clit through my panties. I twisted my fingers in his hair.  
    “Van,” I breathed, and he moaned against me. The vibration sent a tremor down my thighs.  
    He broke away and climbed over me with his eyes scanning my body, stopping to pull my lacy camisole bra down, exposing my breasts. He ran his hand over one reverently, stroking the curve before he grabbed it tight as he pressed his cock against me.  
    My neck arched, hips flexing to run my body up and down his length.
    He didn’t wait to reach into his nightstand, coming back with a condom. My hips were wild. I couldn’t keep still, just writhed on the bed. The aching between my legs was too much, and my hand found its way between my legs. I watched him roll on the condom as he watched my finger circle my clit.
    “Goddammit.” He bent over me, propping himself as his free hand slid my panties over.
    “Oh, God. Yes.” I said when he touched my pussy, running the pad of his finger up and down my wet slit as my eyes rolled back in my head.
    “Hold on to something,” he growled.
    I reached for the headboard just as he slipped the tip of his cock in and flexed his hips, stretching and filling me in a single motion.
    “Fuck,” we both whispered at the same time and let out a breathy, satisfied laughs.
    He grabbed my hips and raised

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