half-lich 02 - void weaver

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Book: half-lich 02 - void weaver by katerina martinez Read Free Book Online
Authors: katerina martinez
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turned to face Isaac. “Tell me.”
    Isaac rolled his left sleeve up now. “Because I had already been boxing for years.”
    “I’ve never met a Brit who could fight before.”
    “I’m right here.”
    A pair of arms wrapped themselves around Isaac’s midsection. The legionnaire to his back, a man, wasn’t as strong as he thought he was, but Isaac cursed himself for not being aware of his surroundings. Logan grinned, then charged, his eyes filled with venom and fire. Isaac struggled for an instant, and then he put his heel into the foot of the man behind him, and he was released. When Logan’s fist came again, Isaac had only a split second to act.
    He ducked, and Logan’s brick of a fist bashed into the other legionnaire’s cheek. Isaac took advantage of the confusion to kick the back of Logan’s knee, sending the bigger man down to the floor. With a hard right hook, Isaac managed to turn Logan’s face and cause blood to fly out of his mouth, but Logan turned his head up to look at Isaac again and spread his bloodied mouth into a wide grin.
    He was enjoying this.
    Logan attacked again, this time breaking past Isaac’s block and plunging his fist into Isaac’s abdomen. The blow was enough to knock the wind out of Isaac’s lungs. He staggered, regained himself, and blocked the next attack, but Logan was on his feet now and had become a flurry of fists which Isaac had only milliseconds to block. Or duck away from.
    Logan shot out a hard jab, and Isaac turned his head to avoid it. The fist slammed into a hardwood panel and Logan squealed. Isaac then buried his fist into Logan’s ribs once, twice. The bigger man staggered back. Isaac pressed on, throwing punch after punch, some which were blocked, others which went through to strike a cheek or the abdomen, but Logan made a surprising block and counter-punch move that hit Isaac squarely in the cheek and sent him to the floor.
    Isaac turned on his back to face Logan, who towered over him like a giant, and said “You’ll pay for this.”
    “Not once I find out what you’ve been hiding from the magistrate. They’ll give me a slap on the wrist and chew me out for using excessive force, but I’ve been chewed out before. I’ll be alright.”
    “You’re wrong if you think I’ll tell you anything.”
    “You don’t have to say a word, Doctor . Just stay still and let me do all the work.”
    No , Isaac thought, he can’t use magic on me; the wards won’t let him. But no sooner had the thought formed than he saw Sonia, the other still-standing legionnaire, drawing symbols into the air and muttering under her breath. Her hands moved fluidly, like exotic fish swimming in a tank, and the symbols they drew into the air left floating, glowing trails; they were white at first, then purple, and then deep red.
    Logan put his hands around Isaac’s neck and held him pinned against the floor. Isaac struggled, but his attacker was stronger than him and used to physical confrontations. Isaac could do nothing but watch and wait for the legionnaire to tear down the magical wards built around this safe house. Because that was what she was doing. The magistrate had created these wards, and while the legionnaires weren’t entirely exempt from their power, they and anyone else responsible for creating them had some kind of power here. Even now, with the dismantling of the protection spells only half complete, he could already feel his connection to the Tempest returning, could feel his Guardian stirring.
    “Now,” Logan said, “Hold still; this will hurt.”
    Isaac closed his eyes and grit his teeth as Logan’s psychic tendrils stretched from his mind and searched for Isaac’s. He filled his mind with static, frantic, and random surface thoughts to create a kind of mundane bulwark against Logan’s invasive magic. When his mind wasn’t immediately torn apart and rifled through, he knew his trick had awarded him a moment to think. To collect himself. In that moment of calm

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