Hagen, Lynn - Oliver's Heart [Brac Pack 6] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)

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Book: Hagen, Lynn - Oliver's Heart [Brac Pack 6] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove) by Lynn Hagen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lynn Hagen
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wolves weren’t taking any chances with the mates. “A tad. Something light should do.” Oliver flipped through the Manga, trying his best to figure the story out by the pictures. Murphy had said to read it from back to front, left to right, yet it was confusing.
    “Here you go.” Gunnar held the diner door open as Oliver walked through, his nose still in the book.
    “Oliver, over here.”
    Oliver looked up to see he had headed in the wrong direction. Maybe walking and looking through a book at the same time wasn’t such a good idea. He shoved the book back into his bag and slid into the booth next to the wolf.
    The waitress set them up with menus and took their drink orders. Oliver couldn’t help but notice the guys sitting one booth behind them. They were all out staring at him. He slid a little closer to Gunnar as one of them sneered at him. What was up with that guy? Oliver averted his gaze. He was feeling uncomfortable. He heard Gunnar give off a low growl and looked toward his escort.
    “I think we just found some more of Jackson’s followers. Don’t leave my sight, Oliver,” Murdock whispered.
    “Don’t have to ask me twice.” Oliver glanced back up to see the same man still staring at him. He grabbed the menu, pulling it up so his face was hidden. He didn’t care if anyone thought him chicken. It was better than bruised and broken.
    They ordered their food and ate in silence, Oliver sneaking a peek every now and again to see if he was still the object of the stranger’s attention—yep.
    “Let’s get out of here. I’ll go pull the truck up front while you guard our man here.” Murdock tilted his head toward Oliver.
    “Kay.” Gunnar grunted, finishing his food.
    They got Oliver out of the diner and into the truck without any hassle. He wondered why the show of dislike if they weren’t going to do anything, but he was grateful that they hadn’t.
    “At least now we know what a few of them look like,” Murdock pulled out into traffic and steered them home.

    * * * *

    “For me?” Keata took the books from Oliver and flipped through them, his eyes growing misty. “Thank you.” Keata hugged Oliver around the waist as he sniffed. Oliver could tell he was holding back tears. He knew Keata would be excited, but he didn’t know he would make the guy cry. Geez.
    “I have more coming, so enjoy them.” Oliver pried himself out of Keata’s clutches to go find his mate. He was a touchy-feely skin person, but only with his mate.
    Keata pulled Oliver’s neck down and kissed his cheek before he took off up the stairs. Well, okay, so Oliver did feel good about himself now. Making Keata happy had given him a warm glow inside.

    * * * *

    Oliver snuck up behind Micah, slid his arms around Micah’s waist, and laid his cheek on his back.
    “You are aware that you can’t sneak up on me? I heard you before you even came close.” Micah rubbed Oliver’s hands that were entwined on his stomach.
    “A guy can try.” Oliver gave a tight squeeze before releasing him. “I got some more books. I think I’m going to go to our room and read.”
    Micah tilted back and kissed his mate before he ran upstairs. He watched Oliver until he was out of sight. How he had gotten so lucky he could only guess. Oliver was everything to Micah. He knew he had a dark past, but Oliver had been working hard to get past it and that made Micah proud.
    “Hey, earth to Micah.” Remi chuckled as he took his shot, knocking the nine ball in.
    “Cheater.” Micah laughed. He turned when Maverick walked in with the most rugged looking man Micah had ever seen. He wasn’t gorgeous, per se, but more on the manly side, with a full head of dark brown hair that fell in waves to his shoulders and a scar that ran from his right temple to his jaw. He wasn’t even that tall, maybe six one. This must be the guy Maverick said was replacing Jasper. He thought grey wolves were strong and fierce, judging by Zeus. Guess not.
    “Everyone, I would

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