Grounded (Grounded #1)

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Book: Grounded (Grounded #1) by Heather Young-Nichols Read Free Book Online
Authors: Heather Young-Nichols
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was I supposed to know that in New England it’s called soda? And how was I supposed to change that habit?
    “What did you mean you couldn’t concentrate?” I asked as we took our seats in a completely different section than the one he’d sat in with Ashley. I wanted to know, but if he told me he spent the time making out with that girl, I might throw up.
    “I watched you more than the movie,” He said, making me smile. “Then, after you left, I just wanted to get out of here. I literally remember nothing about the movie.”
    “Aww.” I pushed up out of my seat to kiss his cheek.
    He turned to me, looking very serious. “Alyssum, I want to explain that.”
    “You don’t have to. We never said we weren’t seeing other people.”
    “I know.” The words came out flat and jealousy quickly crossed over his face again.
    Apparently, Aric showing me the theater first bugged him more than I thought. Just because the guys didn’t say anything to me about our dating situation doesn’t mean they weren’t bothered by it. If seeing him with Ashley the other night taught me anything, it’s that the idea of me with Aric must be hard for Jensen. The reverse would be true for Aric as well. The fact that we didn’t talk about it left everything to the imagination, but that was sometimes worse.
    “Ashley asked me out just after I met you. I didn’t want to go; she’s boring and far too perky.” That’s how I would’ve described her as well. I had to giggle a little, “But her mom works with mine and our dads are kind of friends. It would’ve been weird if I turned her down.”
    “And now is the poor girl waiting for date number two?”
    “Lord no. She, ah…doesn’t think my head was in the game. Her words.”
    The lights dimmed. After previews, the movie went by quickly as I sat, very comfortably, with my head on his shoulder and my hand in his. I didn’t want the date to end. Every time he kissed the top of my head or tickled my arm with his fingertips, my entire body tingled like I’d just licked the end of a nine volt battery.
    When we headed back to his place, I thought I’d just get in my car and go, but I couldn’t say no when he invited me in.
    We talked for a while. Before I knew it, we were kissing; actually, making out might be the better way to put it. I kicked my shoes off and pulled my legs onto the couch, making us face each other. Soon after, he made his move. One hand on the side of my face, the other at my waist, Jensen proved he was a truly skilled kisser. He knew right where to put his hands to make me want to push for more. His lips were tame, innocent even, until the kiss deepened. His tongue caressed mine, sending a pulse through my toes.
    I shifted my body to a more comfortable position. He moved with me, ending up half on top of me, half on the couch, a knee between my thighs. It would’ve been easy to let it go from there. Thin cotton was the only thing standing between us. His hand inched up my side, under my shirt; he cupped my breast through my bra. Every muscle in my body tightened as sense crept back into my brain. I was still technically seeing Aric and wasn’t that girl. I could date both of them, that was fine with me, but I couldn’t go further physically with either while still seeing both.
    “Sorry.” He didn’t really move. “I, uh…”
    “No, no.”
    I pulled myself up to a sitting position, which forced him up as well. We faced each other, and our eyes locked while our breathing came back to normal and our pulses slowed down.
    “I just…I can’t really…” Words were not my friend at that moment. Okay, time to talk like grown-ups. Taking a deep breath, calming my nerves, I dove right in. “Jensen, I can’t let this,” I waved my finger between the two of us, “go any further right now.”
    “I wasn’t trying to pressure you. It just felt right, at least to me.”
    “Oh no,” I grabbed his arm, emphasizing my words with my eyes, “It totally feels

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