Gravity's Chain

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Book: Gravity's Chain by Alan Goodwin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alan Goodwin
Tags: Fiction, General
teenage excess in the house. With parents away and a first true party for our peers it reached critical mass and threatened a meltdown. The shed smelt of potting mix and rotting daffodil bulbs. We shared her last joint, kissed and went a little further: a hand on her breast (my first) and her hand on my erection through tight jeans. Sex was close, but neither of us knew how to tell the other what we wanted and the moment passed as lust slipped away. What regrets lurked for her all these years later?
    â€˜Tell me, Jo, who do you like better, John Lennon or Paul McCartney?’
    She smiled and her head slipped from the palm of her hand. ‘No comparison, it’s John Lennon every time. I mean, could you see John Lennon writing the frog song or whatever it was called?’
    â€˜What were you saying about your husband?’
    â€˜I knew you weren’t listening to a word I was saying.’ She elbowed me in the ribs, probably harder than she wanted but she had little control now over her movements. ‘I’m not married, you silly sod.’
    â€˜Have you ever been to the Hilton?’
    â€˜No, but I very much hope I’m about to.’
    â€˜You are.’
    She paused before speaking. I wondered if she might now change her mind. ‘I thought I might lose out to her ladyship.’ She nodded toward Mary who was still talking to Mike.
    â€˜Well, nothing to fear, it’s all in the past. It’s all history.’
    Mission Bay was bustling with people when we left the restaurant. We said no goodbyes and acknowledged no one as we left in a fluid movement, the security guards closing in like a phalanx on the stairs. Fierce comments would be exchanged the length of the table, but the only one I cared about was Mary. Had I done this to stir a reaction in her? Oh well, another story to add to the pantheon. ‘Do you remember the anniversary dinner when Jack left with Jo without so much as a goodbye?’
    Trees lining the beach shimmered in a soft breeze. The tender green underbellies of the leaves looked silver in the moonlight. Cars thundered along the waterfront, squatting low to the road, their drivers barely able to see over the steering wheel. Theybobbed to music that thumped through open windows. The street was busy with the young, their droopy trousers revealing underpants and bare stomachs (better than the dancer, I have to admit).
    â€˜Makes you feel old, doesn’t it?’ Jo linked arms and I stiffened. I only wanted sex, not a bloody relationship.
    â€˜Yeah, but we can feel young again. I’ve got some good stuff.’
    Bebe had the car waiting when we were ready to go. He sat in the front seat and greeted us both from the open window. Jo got in and as I waited I felt that eerie sense of someone near me again, someone stalking my movements. I turned, but there was no one there I knew. Jo grabbed my arm and pulled me into the car where she pushed her tongue deep into my mouth. That was more like it.
The diary of Mary Roberts
    Aged 18
    December 9th
    It looks like Jack’s dad has said yes for the crew to go up to his bach for the week before Xmas. This will be a fantastic way to celebrate the end of exams and leaving school, at long bloody last (free, free, free). REALLY looking forward to this. So far it’s Jack (swoon, swoon), Mike—oh no, hope he hasn’t remembered the school dance and THAT snog—Helen, Duncan and moi. Johas been sniffing around. Hope Jack tells her to FO. She is definitely not welcome. Well not by me anyway.
    December 12th
    Shit! Jack is such a soft touch (or do I mean sweetie), it looks as though Jo has wormed her way in and has got an invite to the holiday. Bad news!!! Helen says Jo keeps talking about Jack and how they groped at some party and that they have unfinished business that will be finished that week. Yeah? Well have I got news for her!
    December 13th
    Caroline is being a bitch again—some things never change. I

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