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Book: Grab by Anne Conley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anne Conley
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Christmas. The elves and all the holiday decorations had been garish instead of comforting, and her little-girl brain had thought she would be taken to the North Pole to work for Santa instead of going back home for Christmas. And then there was husband number six. He’d flirted with her inappropriately and made passes at her that had been pretty scary.
    But nothing compared to this. Now she was at the mercy of a man who was clearly unhinged, and that took her fear to a whole other level.
    He overpowered her so quickly, effortlessly, it seemed. Mia had fought for all she was worth. As soon as she realized there was a stranger in her apartment, she’d seen she was fucked. He’d blocked the entrance with his hulking body and an evil grin. There wasn’t any other way out of the house, besides through the windows, and they were painted shut. Still, she broke one, hoping to throw herself out. It was only two stories and wouldn’t kill her, but he was faster.
    He’d grabbed her and tied her hands with duct tape before she could react. That wasn’t that bad because it was hot as shit in the back of this van, and the sweat was keeping the duct tape from sticking well. But it was behind her back, and Mia felt like she was pulling her shoulders out of socket. But that’s okay, she wanted out of this mess.
    Kicking and screaming, Mia hadn’t stopped fighting until he’d shoved her into the back of the van and slammed the doors. Her one ray of hope was seeing Jordan’s face right before the doors slammed shut. He’d seen her and reacted. Abject terror etching his features as his powerful body started sprinting toward her. The van would outrun him, but he’d seen her. He would come for her, of that she had no doubt.
    But would he make it in time?
    On her knees, Mia struggled with the duct tape. It was loose, since she was sweating like a madwoman. Hell, she was a madwoman at this point.
    She thought of her sister, hoping in vain to come home to the US, and her mother, who would never know how sorry she was.
    Mia tried to make herself smaller in the back of the van while she worked feverishly at her bindings. She had to get loose.

When he was finished at the station, Jordan rode his Harley to Evan’s house, unrepentant about the noise echoing through the neighborhood at three o’clock in the morning. Evan was, predictably, in his computer office, sitting in front of a row of monitors that showed the city streets of Austin on freeze frame.
    “Hacking into live feed is easier than past feeds, which is good.” Evan looked relaxed, but Jordan suspected it was for his benefit. His wild hair and the coffee cup next to him said differently. His brother had been on the computer since he’d called seven hours before.
    “So, what did you find?” Jordan couldn’t pretend he wasn’t twisted. He felt the tension coil through his muscles as he flexed them, bouncing on the balls of his feet, ready to spring into action.
    “I hate to tell you, but he’s changed to the most common truck in Texas. I saw her, though. She was still alive and kicking when he made the switch.” Relief echoed across Jordan when Evan said that. A part of him was afraid Evan would find a body being rolled out of the van on the video feeds. At least she was still alive. “She’s giving him hell. Feisty one you got there,” Evan smiled grimly at Jordan, and he appreciated the attempt at levity, but he had more important things to deal with. With more stolen plates, Evan lost the truck on street cameras when it blended in with other red F150s.
    After that… Nothing. The truck with Mia inside was gone.
    “Where was the switch? We need to go there.”
    “In the morning. Ryan can go with you to look for evidence you can actually see in daylight. Right now, you need sleep.”
    As if.
    Jordan couldn’t have slept if his life depended on it. He soon realized all he could think about was Mia’s face when she’d been stuffed in the van, her voice as she

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