he was doing to people in the concentration camps. He hid it. So why are these monsters publishing it on the Internet?
They are publicizing their atrocities to induce terror in the world’s population. They are doing what their antecedents did in the seventh century, when Islam first broke out of Meccaand conquered a good portion of the Middle East. They did it through burning, killing, raping, and even burning libraries. That’s how they did it then, the good old-fashioned way the Mongols did it.
We have the weapons to stop them, but not the leadership. We have young men in F-18s who could take them off the map in seventy-two hours. But we have a woman running the air force who has never flown a Piper Cub and who answers directly to the sorority running America.
The more I think about not only burning a man alive in a cage for all the world to see, but the world doing little about it, the more disgusted I get. People today are so apathetic. They’d rather watch laugh-a-thons on television or the perversion in the movies than say, “Enough is enough. Do something to stop them before they kill all of us.”
The people don’t demand it, so the government does nothing. Instead, it attacks the Tea Party.
The Enemies Within
Meanwhile, the destroyers of America have formed a domestic fifth column that
doing something. It’s just doing all the wrong things. Code Pink’s leadership met in Iran with Holocaust deniers, putting headscarves on. These leftist, feminist troublemakers hate America so much they actually prefer the monsters in Iran who consider them half a person in courts of law.
That’s just one example of the enemy within, but they represent an awful lot of others. Just turn on MSNBC, for as long as you can stand it. I was doing just that one day and it hit me.The Holocaust deniers are the ISIS deniers. It was like a bulb went on in my head. The very same leftists and Islamists who deny the Holocaust deny ISIS’s monstrosities. Am I wrong or am I right? Listen to these people yourself and tell me if I’m wrong.
Watch the laugh-a-thons tonight on television. Watch all of the government jesters, like Bill Maher, Stephen Colbert, or Jon Stewart. Oh, that’s right, Jon Stewart quit. What a loss. Watch the rest of them cover up for Obama. Watch them spend more time attacking Republicans, conservatives, Tea Party members, the military, football players—everybody but ISIS. Ask yourself how we can win a war when we have so many enemies within.
So what did Obama say when ISIS published a video of themselves burning a Jordanian pilot alive?
But should in fact this video be authentic, it’s just one more indication of the viciousness and barbarity of this organization… And it also just indicates the degree to which whatever, uh, ideology they’re operating off of, uh, it’s bankrupt. We’re here to talk about how to make people healthier and make their lives better.
He talked about vaccines. Instead of vaccinating America against Islamofascism, he talks about measles. Notice also the president said, “Whatever ideology they’re operating off of.” He won’t even say Islamic State. That’s propaganda. It’s doubletalk. Listening to the president, you’d think some unknown organization, practicing a mysterious, unknown ideology, burned a man alive. Don’t we know exactly who they are and precisely what ideology they’re following?
The acronym ISIS stands for Islamic State. It’s not the Christian State; it’s not CRISIS. It’s not the Buddhist State; it’s not BISIS. It’s not the Jewish State; it’s not JISIS. It’s not the Hindu State; it’s not HISIS. Mr. President, wake the hell up! The people will only take so much. We are in danger.
Incidentally, where are the gays? Why aren’t gay activists lining up against ISIS, given the atrocities ISIS commits against homosexuals? They’re too busy attacking the Tea Party. They’re attacking Republicans. They’re attacking conservatives.
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