Gorgeous Rotten Scoundrel

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Book: Gorgeous Rotten Scoundrel by Nina G. Jones Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nina G. Jones
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navy night sky, the smile in his eyes, the mischief in his smirk--In that moment, the holes in my armor allowed for a structural failure. He leaned in, and he placed his lips on mine. They felt like soft pillows; they tasted so fresh. My mouth opened just slightly, and he tugged on my lip with the perfect combination of sexiness and playfulness.
    And then our tongues danced.


    Ooh, it felt so good: the warmth of his body against mine under the night breeze, the reckless abandon of kissing this gorgeous man in the sand.
    What the hell am I doing?
    "Wait. Stop!" I pushed him away, I didn't want to, but I knew I must. This was the booze, and the moonlight, and our laughter culminating into this romantic moment and it was a very bad idea. This was the same guy who was banging two models (at the same time I might add) a little over a week ago.
    "What's wrong?" Heath asked, as if this was all normal, as if a guy taking shots off of and making out with his assistant was perfectly normal. Nothing to see here folks, just move along.
    "This. This is wrong. You're my boss and I'm drunk and you're drunk. And...it's just a bad idea. Okay?"
    Heath looked at me as if I was speaking a foreign language, and I guess to him I was. Logic, common sense, and self-control: those were all foreign concepts to him. Just as he was about to say something, my headset (which was barely on my head) lit up with commotion.
    I need back up at the front door!
    "Shit, something's up I think," I said to Heath.
    "I don't know. Security said they needed back up. I gotta go check it out."
    "I'll come with."
    Heath helped me up and we quickly brushed off as much sand as we could from our clothing and hair. We made our way to the front of the house and were immediately met with a scuffle. Large men in jackets labeled SECURITY held back a person I could barely see, just the occasional arm or leg flailing out from the huddle.
    "What's going on out here?" Heath asked.
    "Sir, we've got it under control, please go inside."
    I didn't know what to do. Heath had mentioned people who were not invited often attempted to get into his parties, but this was far more resistance than I had expected.
    "Should I call the police?" I called out.
    "We'll escort him off the property. We've got it taken care of."
    "Is that him?" The mystery man's voice called out; I finally got a glimpse of his face. He looked to be in his forties, with a close haircut to disguise his baldness.
    "Clark?" Heath asked.
    "You son of a bitch!"
    "Oh shit," Heath said under his breath.
    "What is it?" I asked.
    "Nothing. Don't worry about it. You should head back in."
    "You son of a bitch. Tara just left me! She told me everything, you scumbag!"
    Of course. No party was worth getting this worked up. It's Heath's dick poking where it shouldn't. And to think, just moments before, I felt special, like I was the singular focus of his attention. I bet Tara did too. Heath probably did deserve a punch in the face, but once again, he was being spared consequences.
    I looked over at Heath in disbelief and hoping he would tell me there was a misunderstanding. But instead, he simply shrugged at me. At least he's honest.
    "Unbelievable," I said under my breath. "I have to go check on the catering."
    As I walked through the foyer, I shook my head in disappointment. What the hell was I thinking, getting carried away with him like that? I could only hope Heath's loose lips would be in my favor tomorrow concerning any post-kiss awkwardness. A guy like him must see women daily who he's done far more with; he can't afford to get all tense around those situations.
    "What the hell happened out there?" It was Mindy.
    "Don't ask. I cannot wait for this night to be over," I said, rolling my eyes.
    "What is all this?" She asked, brushing her hand against my hair and dress. "Is this sand?"
    Just then, I saw it on the big screen TV, ESPN was playing and

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