Good Intentions (Welcome to Paradise) (Volume 2)

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Book: Good Intentions (Welcome to Paradise) (Volume 2) by S. L. Scott Read Free Book Online
Authors: S. L. Scott
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the accident. She’d seen a doctor in Honolulu the fall before the accident.”
    Staring at the pattern of the bricks of the building behind her, my disbelief over the bomb that’s been dropped hits me hard. “No way! She would’ve told me. No way. Noah would’ve said something.” I look her in the eyes. “They sued me,” I say, needing my dad to make sense of this for me. “They took us to court because I let her drown. They blamed me. I blamed me. How is this possible?”
    Realization weighs on my dad and he crosses his arms over his chest, his eyes revealing his own disbelief. “We settled out of court.” When he looks back at the woman, questions now fill his eyes.
    “I’m wondering if this would have come out if the case would have gone to court,” she says.
    After a heavy sigh, my dad looks back to me.
    I remain silent, stunned by this revelation. I didn’t kill Lani. “I didn’t kill Lani.” Reassuring myself, I say, “I didn’t let her drown.”
    “No, man, you didn’t. CPR wouldn’t, couldn’t have saved her,” Murphy adds.
    “Damn it!” My father’s face flushes red— angry, but focused. “This can’t be right. This has torn my family apart and destroyed my son.”
    The clerk backs up at the sudden action. “I can lose my job,” she pleads.
    My fists clench at my side as flames fuel the fire burning in my heart, and I say, “I’m going to fucking kill Noah Kalei.”

    “I don’t understand why it’s best not to talk to him,” I stomp then stumble on my unsteady legs.
    “Because you’re drunk. That’s why. You shouldn’t be all emotional and drunk when you talk to him. You’ll only make things worse. Let’s just go to bed. Get some rest. Things will look a lot different in the morning,” Kate explains, waiting at the door for Sunny.
    “Will you guys stay with me?”
    Both of their faces soften and Sunny says, “Sure.”
    In the dark, Kate says, “It was an accident, you know. I don’t think my brother’s to blame for Lani’s death.” She goes on telling more of the story, more than I’ve heard before.
    An accident. It was an accident where Evan tried the best he could, but walked away from it damaged on the inside. I need to see him, need to talk to him. I jump out from between Kate and Sunny, my legs tangling in the covers, and trip to the floor, hitting my head on the bed frame.
    With my hand pressed firmly against my head, I sit up in pain.
    Sunny rushes down next to me. “Are you okay?” she asks, gently moving my hand away for a closer look. “You need to be careful. You’re still a bit bruised around the old stitches.”
    “I don’t know…that was…” The words jumble around my head.
    Kate grabs my arm, pulling me back onto the bed. “Sit for a minute. You’re in no condition to—”
    Scrambling out of her arms and into the bathroom, I vomit, feeling my stomach convulse. A minute later, Sunny sits next to me and rubs my back as Kate pulls my hair into a rubber band, knotting it on top of my head, both of them silent.
    I feel horrible and I only want this nightmare to end. After another thirty minutes of heaving, my body is feeling better and the girls leave and go to bed. I’m relieved to have a moment to myself. I can’t seem to get my thoughts straight and I’m still spinning a little when I close my eyes, needing to rest. I’m exhausted, but I want to talk to Evan. He said ‘I love you’ . But he didn’t say it. He yelled it for the whole world to hear.
    Using my arm as a pillow to cushion my head, I lean on the side of the tub. My eyelids are heavy and I can’t muster enough energy to move my weakened body.
    I wake up with a start, my body aching from the uncomfortable sleeping position. Other than the pain I’m feeling, Evan consumes my thoughts. I push up off the tub and use the wall to help me balance. Unsteady on my feet, I walk down the quiet hallway, my hands on the wall as I tiptoe, careful not to wake anyone. I rummage

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