GONE - Part Three (The GONE Series Book 3)

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Book: GONE - Part Three (The GONE Series Book 3) by Deborah Bladon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Deborah Bladon
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at Axel. They just put some new sandwiches on their menu."
    Three's a crowd but seeing as how Alec has been so supportive to me, I do the cordial thing. "It's at Axel. You can come with us if you want."
    He scratches his head through the thick black, messy hair. "I better not. The owner is my best friend. I think he's in town. I owe him a beer and once I sit down with the guy we never stop talking."
    "Your best friend is Hunter Reynolds?" I should actually sound more surprised than I do. I'm beginning to understand that New York is actually smaller than I thought. Everyone knows Hunter Reynolds.
    "You've met him?"
    "Briefly," I mutter. "I just saw him once when I was there with some friends."
    "Have you met his wife?"
    "Sadie? I haven't." I glance at my computer screen. "I guess I should go if I'm going to meet Clive on time."
    "You'd like Sadie." He turns to walk out of my office. "I think you'd be really good friends."
    "Clive told me about you, Lilly." She lets go of my hand. "I'm really impressed with the work you've been doing."
    I look at Clive's smiling face before I glide my eyes back to Sadie. She's lovely. She's a little bit older than I am and the top of the scar on her chest is visible over the neckline of her sweater. She's radiant. "Clive has told me about you too. He says you're studying to be a doctor."
    "I'm trying," she pauses. "I just had a baby so I'm trying to juggle a lot."
    I know it can't be easy for Clive to see the woman who has his sister's heart within her body, living a very full and happy life. I drop my hand to his on his lap and squeeze it tightly.
    "Did you have a boy or a girl?" I ask, not just because it's expected but also because I'm interested.
    "A daughter." Her face brightens even more. "Her name is Olivia. She's so beautiful."
    "It's such a pretty name."
    "Cory picked it out." She smiles at Clive. "He's a great big brother."
    "He's the best," he chimes in. "I have some books I meant to bring with me for Cory but I'll be in Boston next weekend and I can drop them off then."
    Her face twists into a mix of panic and excitement. "Hunter and I wanted to talk to you about that."
    I feel Clive's hand tense in mine. He's had to endure a lot to be able to maintain a relationship with his biological nephew. He adores the boy and judging by Sadie's foreboding words, there may be trouble brewing. "What's going on, Sadie?"
    She rubs the growing perspiration from her forehead. "Hunter is in a meeting. I'd rather wait for him before we discuss this."
    "If it's about Cory, I want to know now." He's working hard to quiet the anxiety in his tone. "Please, Sadie. Just tell me."
    Her eyes drift over my face. "You know Dr. Foster, don't you, Lilly?"
    "Dr. Foster? Is Cory sick?" Clive's hand drops mine. "Sadie, he's sick again, isn't he?"
    Her hand leaps to her chest. "No. I'm sorry. No, he's perfect. He's great."
    "Dr. Foster is my friend," I offer. "How do you know that?"
    "I met Ben yesterday. We were talking about organ donation and he mentioned his friend, Lilly."
    It's misplaced and intimate. I had no idea that Ben spoke about me to anyone. "I met Ben in a grief support group a long time ago."
    "He told me that." She reaches over the table to touch my hand. "When he said your name was Lilly, I told him my friend, Clive, was dating a Lilly and we put it together and here you are now."
    The circle of my life keeps getting bigger and bigger. I had no friends beyond my roommate and the manager of the bistro back in Boston. Now fate is gifting me with so many new faces, all of them connected in some way. "I can't believe you met Ben."
    "Clive." She turns her attention towards him even though she doesn't let go of my hand. "Cory misses you so much."
    "I miss him a lot too," he says in a hushed tone.
    "Hunter has to come here so often." She shakes her head with a smile. "He's in New York more than Boston at this point."
    Clive chuckles. "I was going to suggest you just move here."
    She pulls in a

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