Gemini Heat

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Book: Gemini Heat by Portia Da Costa Read Free Book Online
Authors: Portia Da Costa
Tags: Erótica, Romance, Literature & Fiction, Contemporary, Romantic Erotica, Romantic, British & Irish
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the one that had touched her in the gallery, would be slipping up her thighs in no time and discovering her sparsely covered loins.
    But, Deana, it's what you want!
    It was true, of course, and as she opened the door a chink, and saw a long shadowy shape come gliding up the drive, the whole of the surface of her skin - both covered and uncovered - began to quiver in hot anticipation.
    Delia would've shut the door again, but Deana was too eager and impatient of subterfuge. Walking boldly out, she waved to the as yet unseen occupant of the approaching limousine, and wondered if her sister was watching. Peering from the window of their neighbour's flat - where she was hiding out of sight.
    As the sexy black car trickled to a halt, the driver's door swung open, and a man - but not de Guile - got out.
    Deana hesitated, then stepped forward again as the chauffeur - a tall, unsmiling blond dressed from head to foot in unrelieved black - came round to the rear door nearest to her and opened it without speaking a word.
    The dour servant unnerved her, but not nearly as much as the relaxed figure who half-reclined on the spacious back seat.
    'Dee . . . How beautiful you look,' murmured Jake as she slid in beside him, 'and how refreshing not to have to wait for you. That's the mark of a truly sensual woman, my sweet. Instant readiness. I cherish it.'
    Instant readiness. She wondered if he knew how true his words were, then remembered his uncanny sexual insights in the gallery. Of course he knew she was on heat and ready for him! What woman wouldn't be with a man like Jackson de Guile. His beauty almost dazzled her as she let her hot hand be taken in his cool one and conveyed to the velvet of his lips.
    Dress to impress. Dress to impress. Dress to impress. From Delia's 'briefing' it echoed at her in an endless repeating loop. And she'd done so with some degree of distinction. But no way could she match this incredible creature beside her.
    It was leather trousers again, although clearly not the same pair. This time there was a slight but discernable texture to the hide and the cut was slightly closer. With them, and as if to temper their macho stud-ishness, Jake wore the fullest and softest of white silk shirts. It's sleeves were floating and Byronic, and it had a narrow, stand-up collar, which he wore unfastened. His face was pure amber against its snowiness and Deana felt her libido riot and betray her. As the car door clicked shut, all she could think about was lying on this broad, soft, leather-covered banquette with her body exposed and ready. Her body laid bare. Her body wet and flowing to receive this male god in its heat.
    He saw it too, it seemed.
    'Only this morning, eh?' he whispered, his eyes like blue lasers in the soft dark light of the limousine's opulent interior. He kissed her hand again, turning it slowly within his grip and licking long and lingeringly at her palm.
    Deana remembered in panic where that mouth had been this morning. What he'd done to her sister . . . And even as she imagined the act, she empathically received its resonances. She felt her own sex flutter as if he were mouthing it, and she felt a quick hard dew of moisture flow out onto her thin silk panties. Oh please, begged some wanton inside her. Do it again! Do it now! Do it to me\
    And she felt powerless as he placed her hand - like some inanimate object - on the leather of the seat beside her. Her only awareness was waiting. Wanting. The car was cruising along the main road now, but it could've sprouted wings and be flying them to the moon for all the interest she could muster in the world rushing by outside.
    'Yes, you are ready,' Jake observed, his voice amused. He looked down at her breasts, rising and falling beneath their shimmering armour, and at her thighs which were revealingly parted. She sensed him choosing somehow, eyeing her up like some choice dish or delicacy. Selecting which tasty portion to sample first. He moved closer and almost

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