Garden of Serenity

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Book: Garden of Serenity by Nina Pierce Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nina Pierce
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didn’t choose to come here.”
    “Jahara, few choose the Garden.” Least of all the male breeders forced into slavery , he wanted to add, but knew it wasn’t prudent. “You realize you can’t put off the inevitable. Tonight, tomorrow, next week, eventually you will be expected to mate in front of the cameras.” He wanted her to choose him this night. It would be difficult to continue deceiving Kylie. For whatever reason, the woman had been unusually upset by his interaction with Jahara at the demonstration yesterday. It had set off a whole stream of complaints that filtered their way up to Bresilee. And Kylie’s connection to Bresilee was one hornet’s nest he didn’t particularly want to probe.
    “It’s really not so horrible, Jahara. I’ve been told it’s rather a pleasant experience being with me.” He couldn’t resist teasing her just a little. Brenimyn focused on her sweet face.
    “It’s just that I …” Her hand fluttered to her cheek, fear raging in her toffee eyes.
    He rose and walked to her. “I understand you’re afraid, Jahara.” His hand stroked the satin skin his mind had touched. “But don’t you feel the chemistry between us?” A frisson of awareness sparked from her cheek up his arm. “I will make your experience something you will never forget.” He pressed his lips to her forehead, desire and need—and faith in a childhood vision—swelling his heart.
    Being alone with Jahara, erased all doubts.
    This woman was the one who’d been sent to fulfill his destiny.
    * * * *
    Jahara lay naked on her stomach in the guest bed. She still wasn’t sure how Ishawny had gotten her in here and out of her clothes. The woman hummed to the lilting strains of violin music filtering softly through hidden speakers as her hands massaged the floral-scented oils into Jahara’s tense muscles. Her head felt light and a little dizzy. She’d had too much Dakaru root at dinner, but she didn’t care. The fruity liquid would diminish the memory of the events about to take place. Perhaps, like Jacinta, she would become pregnant at this copulation. Oh, to hope.  
    Jahara hadn’t talked the breeding guide or her partner out of this first mating. Not in the bathroom when the male breeder had cornered her. Not during the evening meal when Ishawny and Brenimyn had waited on her, unwilling to join her at the table. And certainly not at this moment as Ishawny’s firm hands masterfully moved to the muscles of her buttocks. It seemed nothing was going to keep this mating from happening.
    Fortunately, Ishawny was a skilled lover and doing a wonderful job keeping Jahara’s thoughts off Brenimyn. She didn’t know where the male breeder was and at the moment, didn’t really care. Something had turned her libido up a notch. Perhaps her food had been prepared with a stimulus, or the oils contained something. Whatever it was, it buzzed pleasantly in her head and made Jahara’s body taut with need. She let the delicious sensations curl over her synapses. If this was going to happen, she might as well try to enjoy it.
    As Ishawny’s fingers moved intimately over her flesh, she focused only on here and now. Somewhere, deep in her psyche, she knew it was wrong to be enjoying the pleasure offered by this woman’s touch, but at the moment, Jahara couldn’t recall why. Coherent thought was overridden by her body’s primal needs.
    She smelled her desire mingled with the oils and the dark musky scent of the heated air. Heard her breath coming in heavy gasps even as sweet epithets of encouragement were whispered in her ear. Felt the silken touch of Ishawny everywhere on her trembling body. Hands stroked her hair and tickled along her spine. Lips kissed along her sex even as they nibbled along her jaw.
    But that couldn’t be.
    In her haze of mounting desire, Jahara forced her eyes to open. Brenimyn lay on the bed next to her, his mouth curving into a smile as his teeth nipped at her bottom lip, urging her to open for

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