Full Figured 10

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Book: Full Figured 10 by Skyy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Skyy
is rather perfect.”
    â€œPerfect?” Tangie pressed her lips together. “No man is perfect. Tell me more.”
    I told her about our encounters. I found myself gushing about my time with Onyx. Tangie sat quietly as I spoke. I paused when I noticed her concerned expression.
    â€œCoral, I don’t want to be a Debbie Downer, but I really hope you are taking your time. You are sitting up here, about to bust over a man you have known for only a little while. I know things seem amazing, but take the time to get to know him.”
    I was a little upset that she was casting a cloud over my happy moment, but deep down I had the same reservations that she had. He did seem too good to be true, and at the moment he had me wide open. I was going to have to find a way to control my feelings.
    â€œDon’t worry. We are taking it slow. We haven’t actually had sex. He said he wants to wait until I’m completely comfortable.”
    â€œWell, that is different,” Tangie said, folding her arms. “Most niggas don’t give a damn about comfort. All they care about is their nut.”
    We both laughed.
    I spent the day helping Tangie with preparations for the family day. Being that my birthday was on the sixth, I usually had only the family day to look forward to. Things were going to be very different this year. We laughed and joked about different things, from church members to reality TV. I had to admit that it was refreshing to have someone to talk about things with. Now I understood why women had girlfriends.
    â€œSo are you going to bring this mystery man to church?” Tangie asked.
    I shook my head. “No, I don’t think we are on that level. Maybe one day, but right now we are just having fun.”
    â€œAll right. Just make sure you remember that. Don’t go catching feelings for a man who has said he’s not looking for a relationship. That will only lead to heartache for you. Trust me. Been there, done that.”
    At the end of the day I made it home a lot later than I expected. I was worn out and was actually ready to climb into my bed. I hadn’t heard from Onyx all day, and I was working hard not to focus on that fact. Thankfully, work and Tangie had kept my mind occupied all day, but now I was home, in my big space, by myself.
    I knew I shouldn’t care, but the energy in my house had shifted. Now that I knew what it was like to have someone lying with me, I hated the nights when he wasn’t in my bed with me. I contemplated calling him, but knowing that he already feared me getting clingy, I resisted. I decided to just go to sleep and hope that when morning came, there would be a text or a phone call from him.
    Sleep didn’t come easy. I tossed and turned all over my bed. I finally decided that it was going to take pharmaceutical help for me to get the rest that I needed. I popped an Ambien and crawled back into my California king. My bed had never felt so big. I knew I was tripping. There was no reason for me to miss him this bad after just a few days. I felt like a junkie.

Chapter 11
    I was now becoming restless. Three days had passed, and I hadn’t heard from Onyx. I finally broke down and sent a text, saying hello, but I got no response. I was finding it hard to concentrate on my work because of my feelings. I knew I shouldn’t care, but I did. How could you do something so amazing to a person and just never call back?
    I tried to remain positive, but my mind was going straight to the worst-case scenarios. Maybe the thought of a virgin had scared him away. I had heard many times that men didn’t want the responsibility of deflowering a woman. Or maybe I had made it too easy. Was I too willing to give it up, and therefore, had I taken the fun out of it? Then there was always the distinct possibility that he was just a whore and an asshole who fucked with girls’ emotions and left them high and dry. He was an artist, after all. Maybe

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