Free Fleet #03 No Rest for the Wicked

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Book: Free Fleet #03 No Rest for the Wicked by Michael Chatfield Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michael Chatfield
hadn't taken a promotion to platoon sub commander so he could stay onboard. The kid was driven.
    “I'll leave you to what you were doing and fall in,” I said.
    “Ah... I'm all set, just waiting to be told where reinforcements are needed,”
    “MOVE! MEDIC!” Someone bellowed and a hole was made through the waiting platoon as medics and commandos carried or pulled their comrades back to one of the med bays.
    “So did you hear Marco changed to be a shipyard worker with his sister?” George said as the hole closed up. George wasn't trying to disregard the wounded, I knew he'd be doing everything he could if he thought it could help, but they were already in the best care and keeping our minds clear of distractions would help them more, if we joined them or not.
    “Really? I thought he was going to stay Commando,” I said, actually surprised.
    “Nah. He was going to tell you, but with Parnmal and everything he knew you'd be too busy,”
    “Well, we best bug him out for a drink if Silly hasn't got him clearing room for our new front line ships,”
    “When will he be laying down the new ships?” George asked.
    “Silly says that he thinks he can get most of the ships we have in six months, so maybe seven,” I said as an alert sounded on my armband.
    Commandos were pulling back from their initial contacts with the enemy. Wounded and dead were mounting and there were still one of us to five of the syndicates. Soon they'd get to the open areas and it would become an all out brawl. George was looking at the same information.
    “Alright ladies and gents, check your gear and get fuelled.” With so many races, not all of them drank water. Some of them rarely drank like the Avarians and Sarenmenti who had a mainly solid diet. It meant that specifics had become in most cases generalizations.
    Just another thing the Free Fleet had changed for the people within it, no matter their race. Another alert sounded as mass casualties were reported in a hallway where someone had used a grenade to clear not only the commandos, but their own forces.
    “Grenade detonation in Purple nine three!” One of Henry’s controllers said as he stroked his beard, anger filling his eyes as he forced back his impulse to charge into the enemy and claim retribution.
    “Commander Santos reports the next squad commander is deploying support,”
    Henry nodded darkly.
    “Very well.” He looked to other issues.
    “They're going to break through soon. I want forces engaged in hand-to-hand to fall back under the cover of the next squad,” Henry said absently. It was odd, battle raged all around them, but in this room it was quiet, everyone listening to Henry as he orchestrated the deaths of possibly thousands of Syndicate troops.
    “Have squads leapfrog back to the eighth line. I want forces past the line ready to engage. We've drawn them in, now it's time to move onto recapture. As we planned I want the re-organized squads that have already been engaged and reserve force company commander Kreum ready to engage. The remaining reserve is to get those damned ships,” Henry growled as he waited for his controllers to look back to him, showing they'd sent the orders.
    “Good, now we'll have nowhere to fall back to, no reinforcements, and split up. Let's show these bastards how we fight!” he said as he unlimbered his rail gun and racked a round. Others in the room checked their gear and followed their CAMC.

Chapter – By Any Means
    Cheerleader listened to the message in its entirety, as well as looking at the information that had come with it, her face revealing nothing, but inside she was a mess of emotions.
    The message ended and no one said anything as Cheerleader finished musing over the information she'd gained.
    “Ben, plot a course to Parnmal,” she said, as if she'd been debating what movie to watch that evening.
    Ben said nothing as he turned to begin plotting the course, Milra moving to his station to assist him

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