Fox Rematch (The Madison Wolves Book 10)

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Book: Fox Rematch (The Madison Wolves Book 10) by Robin Roseau Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robin Roseau
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needs to go, you may.”
    No one else did, so the break was short. I clutched at Lara and verified she was fine, which brought a chuckle from her.
    “Just remember this, Michaela,” she said. “Just remember.”
    “Yeah, but I’ll calm down,” I said. “You never will.”
    A minute later, we were on the road. “What time is it?” I asked.
    “Not telling,” said Angel. “You have no idea how long you slept, which means you don’t know how far we’ve driven.”
    “All right, how about this? How much longer?”
    “Ninety minutes,” Elisabeth said after a pause. “Or so.”
    “Lara, did you want to sleep?”
    “They said something about games,” Lara said.
    We played a word game. We were all given two small objects, a six-sided die and a marble, both made from wood. Then the game was simple. Someone would say a word and offer the definition. We would each move one of the objects into our hand, hiding it. No object meant it was a made up word. The die meant it was a real word but the wrong definition. The marble meant the right definition. The person who picked the word then said which it was, and then we displayed which item we were holding. Disputes involved looking them up.
    Sophia kept score.
    It was a silly game. People knew the craziest words, and most of the time I didn’t have a clue if they were lying or not. I guessed randomly. When my turn came around, I used biology terms, and I made sure I used terms I hadn’t taught the kids. I named a type of scum that grows on ponds, then I named a type of seaweed. I gave scientific and common names on each. Both were true. After that, when my turn came around, I lied or told the truth haphazardly. Only once or twice did people absolutely know whether I was making up words or not, and the rest of the time, they were guessing.
    Lara was the winner with Scarlett a close second. I was a distant last. It made me feel ignorant. “You guys know all these words,” I said eventually. “I don’t know any of them. I just know scientific words.”
    Angel giggled. “You’ve never played this game before, I bet. We have. All of us have gone out of the way to learn weird words no one ever uses.”
    I laughed. “All right, I won’t feel too bad.”
    The game ended when Elisabeth declared, “Time for the headphones.”
    Angel fitted me. Elisabeth did Lara. Before they turned on the music, Angel said, “We have another game. It’s really silly. One of us will touch you, somewhere on your bare skin. You will say who it is. If you get it right, we’ll caress your cheek. We’ll alternate between the two of you. Did you two want to wager on which of you wins?”
    “A backrub,” Lara offered.
    “All right. Whoever wins will get a backrub from one of us,” Angel said.
    “I meant I’d give her one,” Lara said.
    “Too bad, this is my game, my rules.”
    Lara laughed. “All right.”
    The music turned on. As soon as it started, they all scrambled around from their seats. I could tell by smell that Ava had moved to my left, but I didn’t know where anyone else was. Not once did I know who touched me, and I resorted to guessing. I lost the game badly, but I knew Lara needed the backrub.
    It was clear when we entered a town. The car drove more slowly and made turns and stops. Eventually we came to a stop and didn’t start moving right away.
    After a few minutes, the door opened. I could feel it. I felt as people began to exit the car, then Lara pulled away from me slowly. I clutched at her, but she patted my hands and stepped out. I followed her immediately, someone guiding me. Then they put my hand in Lara’s. Someone clutched my other arm, and I leaned over to smell Scarlett. Then we were pulled forward.
    We walked up some stairs and into a house. We navigated through the house, and then we were back outside.
    Someone moved in front of me, and then my face was caressed before I felt familiar scissors cutting the tape over the

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