Forbidden Bond

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Book: Forbidden Bond by Jessica Lee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jessica Lee
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through with Taylor. She was capable of feeling desire, and Taylor was a fantastic guy. For him, she could do this, and maybe if she relaxed a little, made love with Taylor, it would make all the difference. They’d be even closer.
    This is going to be great! She smiled, but the effort felt weak. Damn, can’t I at least lie to myself?
    Inside, Taylor pulled the chain on the small lamp on the table by the door. A soft yellow glow cast the room in shadows. He moved forward into the room with ease, avoiding all the dark obstacles. Within seconds, a flicker of light from the TV filled the room.
    “There.” Taylor tossed the remote back onto the coffee table. “Can I fix you something to drink?” He turned and headed for the kitchen.
    “No. I’m good.” Olivia dropped her purse onto the table next to the controller. “I think I’ve had enough alcohol between the wine and champagne at dinner.” She released a short chuckle. “I really shouldn’t stay too long anyway.”
    Taylor halted in his tracks, as if her words had sucked the momentum from his limbs. She mentally kicked herself. Her issues weren’t his fault. Then he rotated on his heels and sauntered back to where she stood. Gently, Taylor reached out and stroked the back of her arms.
    “I’m happy you’re here even if it’s just for a little while.” He cupped her face. “But I can’t help but want more.” Taylor leaned in, his lips brushing over hers. “Stay,” he whispered.
    “Shh… Don’t think. Let me do that for you.” He pulled her in close, kissing her hair, her neck. “Let me take care of you tonight.”
    A tremor rolled through her body, shaking her arms and legs. Mistaking the reaction for arousal and not anxiety, Taylor guided her in reverse over to the couch and tugged at the hem of her blouse.
    Relax , she chided herself.
    Up and over her head went her top. Olivia glanced down, fighting the urge to cover the black sheer lace that held her breasts and left very little to the imagination. She hadn’t seriously considered anyone would be seeing her in her undies tonight when she’d chosen the items. During the day and on her job, she was boots and blue jeans and didn’t mind getting her hands dirty. But underneath the tough layers, she was a woman who secretly loved her girlie lingerie.
    “God, you’re so beautiful,” Taylor muttered, his voice rusty. Heat bloomed from her throat and raced upwards into her cheeks. Taylor stroked her face with the backs of his fingers. “That’s one of the things I love about you. You don’t even know how lovely you are. The effect you have on me.”
    With one hand, he pulled his shirt free from his pants and maneuvered the buttons until the material parted. Placing his palm in hers, he lowered them to the cushions. The weight of his body covered her, the evidence of his desire hard and pressing into her groin.
    Don’t think. Don’t think. Relax. Relax.
    “Need you so much,” he muttered against the swell of her breasts. “You smell so good.” Taylor rocked into her. Olivia’s breath hitched, and she clamped onto her lower lip with her teeth.
    So wrong. It wasn’t supposed to feel like this.
    The metallic taste of her own blood seeped over her tongue. Everything inside her rebelled against his touch as if her DNA proclaimed him wrong. She squirmed, needing distance—as if Taylor were some deadly virus seeking entry to her body. Dear God, I’m crazy.
    A warm hand covered her bare calf and moved higher, sliding along, inching its way up her leg, taking her skirt higher. Her pulse hammered a staccato beat in her ears. What was she going to do? Her vision blurred behind a veil of tears. She didn’t want to hurt Taylor, but oh, God, she couldn’t let him…couldn’t let him inside her. Her fingers dug into the starched cotton covering his shoulders.
    At the junction between her legs, Taylor cupped her sex.
    She jerked, gasped, swallowed back a cry.
    Her cell

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