For Now (Broken Promises #1)

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Book: For Now (Broken Promises #1) by M Dauphin Read Free Book Online
Authors: M Dauphin
    “I already do, Lane.” One single fucking tear slips down her cheek and lands on her lips so I instinctively reach out and wipe it away, slowly registering what she just said.
    “Can you say it again?”
    It’s insane, all the fear and pain I feel goes away when I’m touching her.
    “I’m already in love with you, Lane Sheridan.”
    “Damnit, Al… really?” I can’t entirely believe this. “How long?”
    “Um.. years?”
    “Years, Al!?” I laugh, then, ignoring the pain, grab her and pull her to me, not giving her any time to think before slamming my lips to hers.
    Jesus Christ.
    I’ve wondered what these lips felt like for years, and now that I’m finally learning, I don’t want to ever let them go. Soft, a hint of lip-gloss covering them, she parts them gently for me as I don’t stop kissing her.
    I can’t.
    Her hands find my hair and she slides her fingers through it, resting her hands there as neither of us make a move to slow down. She tastes like perfection, like what I’ve been waiting for all these years.
    Why have I waited so long?
    I want to take this further… I want to make her mine.. but my body has other plans. I feel it starting, the pain, but I try to push it away. She tastes too perfect. It doesn’t go away, it only gets stronger. It’s only moments before I’m breaking my lips from her and attempting to compose myself, but it’s no use. The pain searing through my back brings my nausea to the surface and I have to bolt to the bathroom before I get sick right there in front of her.
    Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
    “You okay, Lane?”
    “Yea,” I groan, hunched over the toilet about ready to hurl, but unable to make anything happen. Sometimes I think if I throw up it’d just make it all go away, but I know that’s not the case.
    “Can I get you anything?”
    “I’m ok, thanks.” I know I’m being short with her but I need to compose myself. That was fucking embarrassing. This is why I shouldn’t have told her all that… I shouldn’t have spilled my guts to her because I’m over here dying and I’m not going to be able to ever be a proper boyfriend to her.
    After washing up and controlling my emotions, I head back out to see her curled up on the couch, playing on her phone.
    “Hey,” I say, standing in the doorway.
    I don’t want her on the couch. I want her with me. In my bed. I need to be able to see her, touch her, smell her. I need her.
    “Hi,” she says, sitting up quickly. I guess I surprised her.
    “Sorry about that,” I say, rubbing my neck. “I’m gonna head to bed…”
    “Oh... okay. I’ll grab a blanket when I’m ready to pass out,” she whispers, mustering up a smile for me.
    “I… do you just want to come in bed with me? I’m not much of a companion right now… but the bed’s much more comfortable than that couch.”
    Her smile brightens and she nods her head and my heart suddenly feels a slight bit happier.
    “I’d love to.”
    “There’s that word again, Al.” I grin as we walk to my bedroom.
    “I guess we’re just going to have to get used to saying it,” she shrugs.
    I guess so. And just the thought makes me smile.
    We curl into bed together after she throws on an old t-shirt and pair of my boxers to sleep in. Her body's warm against mine, and if I didn’t feel like shit right now I’d be trying to make her mine officially, but right now it just feels nice having her in my arms.
    I’m not sure how many nights like this I’m going to get, but I’ll be damned if I let any of them slip out of my hands.
    Tomorrow starts a new life for me. A life of more pain, needles, doctors, and trying to work through all of it. My mind is racing at everything I need to do.
    I need to tell my friends. Or do I? I mean… it’s going to get out to the media that I have cancer, right? Is there even a way to keep it from them? I need to get all my shit in order for when the end does come… I don’t want my money just sitting in a bank,

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