For Love of an Angel (The Fallen Warriors Series)
honest, woman."
    "More like crass and over-sharing." Eva let out a soft laugh. "But she was mine and I loved her."'
    "You still miss her," he observed.
    "Every single day." She searched his face. "What about you? Your parents, siblings? Your mate? Tell me about them."
    Michael broke off a slice of chicken and fed it to her. "My parents chose to go into oblivion during my younger years."
    "I told you that without sex, angels will eventually lose their immortality, grow old and die. Some angels, feeling they've lived long enough, willingly choose this path. Such was the case with my parents."
    "Wow." She couldn't imagine what would go into making that kind of decision. "How did you feel about that?"
    He shrugged. "They were pleased about it, and therefore so was I. I miss them, but I’m at peace with their decision."
    "What about your sisters and mate? Are you at peace with that?"
    The smile slid from his face.
    Okay, maybe that wasn't the best question to ask. She winced. "I'm sorry."
    "No. No need." He took a drink of his wine. "It took me some time to come to terms with the manner of their deaths, but I’m at peace with it now. I remain calm knowing they would want me to go on with my life. To find love again."
    His steady gaze met hers, the expression in his eyes saying everything his words didn't. He was offering her the world, if she dared to choose it.
    Eva gulped and looked down. "I'm glad you feel that way."
    Throughout the rest of their meal, he told her stories about his world and what it was like. There were some similarities to hers, but mostly she found angel politics confusing.
    Finally, with her belly full and her head fuzzy from the wine, she lay back onto the blanket, letting out a contented sigh. "So...what now?"
    "Now"—he reclined on his side facing her and supported his head with his hand while sending his finger on a lazy trail down her stomach—"comes the best part. Dessert."

    Chapter Eight
    M ichael stared down at her with a wolfish grin. Despite the fact that she'd spent the better part of the afternoon being pleasured by him, Eva still felt a flood of heat wash over her cheeks. "You're kidding. Again?"
    "Again?" He gave an incredulous laugh and rolled so that his upper body covered hers. "Eva, I could spend an eternity tasting you, and it wouldn’t be long enough. Do you doubt that for a second?"
    "" How could she? The proof of his desire dug hard against her thigh. Lord, he was so magnificent with his topaz eyes blazing down on her. She trailed her fingers along his chest then over his shoulders, memorizing every dip and curve of his rigid flesh. "I just don't understand. Of all the people in this world, why me?"
    His brows furrowed, but then he smiled and they smoothed out. "Kismet, beloved. It was meant to be."
    Of all the things he could have said, that was the most perfect one.
    Her lips curved into a wide grin that she couldn't hold back. Closing her hands around the back of his neck, she tugged him down and gave him a passionate kiss that seemed to go on forever. It grew in intensity, sparking an ache between her thighs that prompted her to jerk her hips toward his lower body.  She slid her hand down, searching out the hard length of his arousal. But before she could do more than touch him he cuffed his hands around her wrists, dragging them over her head.
    His voice husky, he murmured, "Patience."
    "No." She had none, especially when she knew he wasn't going to give her what she really wanted. "I want to feel you."
    "I'm right here." He punctuated his words by undulating against her. His tongue set a path down her throat, rendering her all but insensible with its electrifying vibrations. He freed one of her wrists and moved his hand to the top of her dress. One little tug was all it took to free them of its confines. No doubt the reason he'd wanted her to wear it.
    He moved his mouth to her breast, tracing a wide circle without actually

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