First Degree Innocence

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Book: First Degree Innocence by Ginger Simpson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ginger Simpson
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would mean that someone actually knew we were here and cared.”
    Carrie felt a pang of sadness, knowing there was no one out there who gave a damn about her. She prepared to climb up on the top bunk when keys jingled in the lock and drew her attention to the door.
    * * * * *
    Ogden crossed the cell and stopped when her nose was only inches from Carrie’s. Tobacco stained the guard’s teeth and fouled her breath. “I couldn’t give a flying fuck about what you think. Is that clear?” Ogden roared.
    “Yes, perfectly.” Carrie nodded, tired of the confrontation. Her opinion carried no weight, she knew that, but it would have been stupid not to try one more time to convince her uniformed nemesis that she really had no desire to share a cell with Jillian Duke. Unfortunately, Carrie’s show of reluctance had done nothing more than provide satisfaction for Ogden’s ego and gave Carrie a tension headache. She massaged her furrowed brow.
    The corpulent guard opened the door and stepped out into the hallway. “Since we finally agree, you’ll gather up your things on Friday, and I’ll personally escort you to your new home. The gals on C block will be happy to see you.”
    Anger seethed like fire in Carrie’s veins. All the questions she wanted answers to hung on her tongue, but she swallowed them, knowing anything she said would be used against her. What kind of perverse pleasure was Ogden getting out of this?
The door clanked shut and she departed without another word, leaving Carrie fuming.
Susanna rolled to the mattress’ edge, leaving the shadows where she’d lurked. “Oh, I hate that woman.”
Carrie released a long breath. “Not nearly as much as I do. She’s been in my face ever since I got here.”
    The urge to kick something overwhelmed her, but she shook her head and considered the consequences. Metal and toes didn’t mesh well.
    With a sigh, she leaned against the bars then sagged to the floor and hugged her knees against her chest. “I’m not going to let this get to me. That’s what Ogden wants. On Friday, I’ll be ready when she gets here. If I’m not smiling, poke me or something. I can’t let her see my vulnerable side. I’m going to be the most agreeable inmate she’s ever seen, and hopefully it’ll drive her crazy.”
    Susanna crawled off her bed, dropped her bottoms and sat on the commode. “I admire your courage, but I’d be a little more worried about what Jet has in store for you.”
    “Thanks for the reminder. It’s not like it hasn’t been weighing on my mind.”
    The flushing of the toilet somehow seemed like a perfect analogy for Carrie’s life. She chewed her bottom lip. “I wonder how much longer it is until rec time. I need some fresh air to help me think.”
    A flash of blue eyes invaded her thoughts. Maybe she’d catch a glimpse of them again.
    * * * * *
    Carrie walked through the exit to the outside rec area. The early June temperature kept most of the other inmates close to the air conditioning, and her friends huddled around a table inside, sharing the same old war stories. She had no desire to rehash the topic of her earlier meeting with Ogden. In truth, Carrie preferred to forget about it for now. There was no use stressing over the inevitable.
    She stepped off the sidewalk and onto the basketball court, but backed off, finding her shoes stuck to asphalt heated by the late afternoon sun. Following the pavement, she wove her way to her favorite spot, overlooking the garden. A dry wind blew past the end of the building and whipped her hair around her face. The air smelled of dust. With fingers entwined through the chain links, she stole a sideways glance at the place where she last saw the male guard.
    He wasn’t there; her spirit sagged. Why had she thought he would be? She was being nothing more than a silly schoolgirl, thinking he, of all people in the world, would have an interest in her. His job was to guard the inmates, hers was to be one.

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