First Crush (Dark Falkon #1)

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Book: First Crush (Dark Falkon #1) by J.O Mantel Read Free Book Online
Authors: J.O Mantel
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muttered under his breath.
    “What?” Sienna asked.
    “Nothing! I'm going to take a shower,” he stood up and stormed past her, slamming the door shut to his bedroom.
    “What the fuck is your problem?” She whispered loudly at the closed door. She turned and headed back to her bedroom, closing the door behind her.
    Jake pulled off his shirt and threw it to the corner of the room in anger. He lay down on his bed, his hands clasped behind his head in frustration.
    “Fuck!” He gasped.
    Staring at the ceiling with his thoughts circling around in his head, he closed his eyes and tried to block Sienna out of his head. It proved difficult however, because all he could hear was the two of them fucking in the next room through the walls.
    Getting off the bed, he stripped out of his jeans, grabbed a towel and went to the bathroom.
    “Why can't I be the Lukas Dark that she wants? Why can't I be the one that she's fucking right now? This is crazy!”
    He flexed his biceps and looked into the mirror, disappointed at what he saw. His body was shredded, but he still wasn't happy with the results.
    “If there's any hope of me having her, I’m going have to work a lot harder. I'm going to have to smash out some more sessions at the gym,” he said.
    There was silence from Sienna's bedroom. The only noise Jake could hear, was that of the television from the living room.
    He walked out into the living room, and his eyes travelled to the direction of the television set. To his disgust he could see Jesse and Sienna sitting on the sofa, naked.
    “Ah, hum,” Jake coughed.
    Jesse jumped straight off the sofa in sheer embarrassment.
    “Shit! Sorry!” He grabbed one of the pillows and covered his cock with it, which Jake couldn't help but notice, was hard. Jesse ran to the bedroom and closed the door behind him.
    “I'm sorry, did I interrupt something?” Jake asked, sarcastically. He walked straight past Sienna and threw his clothes in the laundry basket.
    Jesse walked out of the bedroom in his undies. He walked over to Jake, “I'm sorry, I don't believe we've been formally introduced, I'm Jesse,” he said, holding out his hand.
    “Jake! There, we're introduced. Sienna you might want to clean up your shit from the laundry. There’s crap all over the floor.”
    “Jesus Christ, Jake. What the fuck is your problem? You're acting like a total prick.”
    “There's crap everywhere. I can't even find room for my own shit.”
    “I've been busy.”
    “Yeah, I can see how busy you've been. All those late nights with your ‘clients,’ yeah. Makes sense why you're not home until all hours of the morning.”
    “Now, just a minute, Jake-”
    “Sorry, dude but nobody pressed your buzzer,” Jake replied, looking at Jesse.
    “Don't you fucking speak to him like that. He's got nothing to do with this.”
    “Doesn't he?” Jake asked, he was starting to get angry.
    “I think I'll leave you two alone,” Jesse interrupted.
    “No, Jesse. This is my place too. Jake doesn't get a say in who I can and can't have over.”
    “Ok, well I think I'll go and take a shower then.”
    He walked over to the bathroom, Sienna went to her bedroom and put on her nightie. She grabbed Jesse a towel and closed the bathroom door.
    “Ok, Jake. What the fuck is going on? You've been off for days.”
    “Nothing. I just told you, I'm sick of having to do all the cleaning up around here. You're never home lately.”
    “Jake, I'm home every single night. Maybe not when you want me to be, but the last time I checked, you were my roommate and not my father. I don't have to justify myself to you.”
    “You just seem to be making a lot of new friends, lately.”
    “And what is wrong with me getting a little bit of male attention?”
    “It's more than a little,” he said. “And it's not from anyone that matters,” he said the last part under his breath, but Sienna heard him.
    “What is that supposed to mean?”
    “Nothing! I just think you need to be careful

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