Finding Forever

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Book: Finding Forever by Christina C Jones Read Free Book Online
Authors: Christina C Jones
to me what you did to her. I would probably have you kick his ass. So… lucky you that I hid her from you for so long, right?”
    “Uh, yeah,” I managed to choke out. “Lucky me.”
    “Anyway, I have to head out so I don’t miss my flight back to Chicago, but I have news before I do!” She turned to me with an excited smile.
    “What is it, Des? Something big happen with the boutique?”
    She shook her head. “Nope, it’s better than that! You’re gonna be an uncle!”
    My eyes went wide. “Stop playing.”
    “I’m not!”
    A grin spread over my face as I pulled my sister into another hug. I wasn’t convinced parenthood would ever appeal to me, but being an uncle? I could get with that. “Congratulations, sis! How far along?”
    “Ten weeks. So, two and a half months.”
    I cocked my head to the side while mentally calculated that timing. “I’m about to text Drew and threaten his life for getting my baby sister pregnant before he married her.”
    “Whatever Avery,” Des said, laughing as she gave me a playful punch in the arm. “Don’t you dare text Drew yet, he doesn’t know. He had meetings all day today, and was already at his office when I found out, so I’m not telling him until he gets home tonight.”
    “I won’t ruin your surprise, but I’m happy for you guys. I can’t wait to meet my nephew, start teaching him the ropes.”
    Alarm spread over Des’ face, as she abruptly stopped laughing. “First of all, we don’t know that it’s gonna be a boy, so you can cut out the nephew stuff. And you showing someone the ropes… we’re gonna have to talk about that.”
    My eyebrows drew together as I frowned. “Talk about what?”
    “You being around the baby. You’re really not the best influence for a child right now.”
    “Excuse me?”
    What the hell is she talking about?
    “I’m not trying to be mean, but it’s true. If the baby is a boy, I don’t want him growing up around you, thinking the way you run through and treat women is okay. And if it’s a girl, I don’t want her to think she has to be like those women to keep a man interested in her.”
    Shaking my head, I stood up from the couch and began pacing the floor. “So you’re telling me you’re gonna keep my niece or nephew from me?”
    “ No. Well… yes. Well … not exactly.”
    Des took a deep breath before answering. “I think you need a woman. You were great when you had a woman. A real woman, someone who will mellow you out, make you have fun, and bring the real Avery back out.”
    “No such thing, Des.” Rubbing a hand across the back of my neck, I trekked toward the kitchen. I definitely needed a drink to deal with this.
    “Yes there is, you just have to find her. I think a relationship would work wonders for you, I’ve seen it!”
    I gave her a skeptical glance as I pulled open the door to the liquor cabinet. “Where the hell is this coming from, Des? I’ve told you before, the whole ‘love’ thing isn’t for me.”
    “Ugh! What is with you and Tori? She said something similar, and I’m sorry, I don’t believe it. Real love is out there, for everybody. When it’s right, it changes you for the better, so obviously the thing Natalie wasn’t meant to be, because look what it’s done to you! She turned you into a bitter old miser.”
    “I’m not bitter, or old, or a miser,” I argued as I pulled out a bottle of bourbon. “You can’t tell me I’ve been walking around like a troll for the last two years, I don’t buy it. You or Deidra would have checked me about it a long time ago, and despite what you seem to think, the kinds of women I like don’t respond well to ‘mean.’”
    This is why I know I definitely won’t be hearing any praises from Tori.
    Desiree sat down at the bar, thinking for a moment before she conceded. “Ok, I’ll give you that, but you’re definitely jaded, Avery, and it’s affected you and the people around you. You aren’t the same carefree, fun

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