Fifty Shades of BDSM Trilogy
always the gentleman.
    “No, thank you. I think I'd like to go to
bed. I've had enough excitement for one night.”
    “Alright. You know your way around. Just make
yourself at home. I'm going to stay up for a while longer. I have a
case I need to do some research on.”
    “I'm sorry, Liam. I didn't mean to drag you
away from work just to come get me.” I avoided his eyes, suddenly
feeling guilty.
    “You didn't drag me away from work. I got off
at five o'clock. Your flight didn't get in until eight. Stop
bothering yourself with such nonsense. You know you come before
everything in my life anyway.” He smiled warmly at me, and I
swooned silently at his words. Why couldn't Jack be more like Liam?
Oh, Jack was charming and handsome, but he didn't love me—didn't
know me well enough to love me. And he hadn't cared enough to get
to know me.
    As I stood there and looked at Liam, I
realized everything I had taken for granted. I had wanted a man who
was into the finer things in life, exotic cars, exquisite fashion,
and buying me expensive gifts. Wasn't that what most girls wanted?
But when it came down to it, all that I needed was standing right
in front of me. Good, simple, sweet Liam.
    “Goodnight,” I whispered, glancing shyly into
his silvery eyes.
    “Good night, love.”
    A stupid grin creased the corners of my lips
as I turned from him, enjoying the flood of romantic feelings that
captivated my heart from being in his presence.
    As I passed by Liam's bedroom, a devious
thought crossed my mind. I had pressed my boundaries to new levels
today, and Jack didn't seem to care if other men touched me. Quiet,
like a church mouse, I scurried to the guest bedroom to change into
my pajamas. Then, just as stealthily, I crept into Liam's room,
crawling under the covers.
    I moaned softly as I inhaled his pillow. How
I had missed that scent. Clean yet masculine at the same time. The
familiarity of it was enough to carry me off to sleep faster than I
had been able to fall asleep in a long time.
    The next morning, I opened my eyes to the
sunlight shining through the windows. For a moment, my mind was
tricked into thinking that I was late for class at the BDSM school,
but when I tried to rise, something was holding me in place, and I
looked down to see a strong arm wrapped around me. That's when I
remembered that I was in Liam's bed . . . and so was Liam.
    My cheeks burned as I flattened myself on the
bed, fearful that I might wake him. I wasn't sure what time it was,
but it was bright enough to indicate that he was late for work.
Briefly, I wondered if I should wake Liam, but then selfishly
settled on staying nestled in the comfort of his arms instead. It
felt so good to be there again, like I belonged in his arms—in his
    It was a shameful thought though, and I
realized that in my moment of insanity the previous day, I had made
a big mistake. Not only had I jeopardized my marriage to Jack by
running away, but I was also messing up my relationship with Liam
by deciding to sleep in his bed. Knowing Liam, he would think the
situation to be more than it actually was. I had just been trying
to escape, not to betray Jack.
    Was it really a betrayal though? I was still
so confused. For once, a good night's sleep hadn't done much to
clear up my head. If I analyzed the situation in chronological
order, it went something like this. I flew to New York to meet
Jack. Jack appeared to be wonderful, but then surprised me by
practically demanding that I go to the BDSM school. Up until I left
for the BDSM school, Jack had been everything I could possibly want
in a man aside from his strange secrets. Then, at the BDSM school,
I discovered that Jack had told them that they could penetrate my
mouth and ass, which were both virgin territory. Upset by Jack's
blatant disregard for my virtue, I ran back home to Liam. Now, I
was lying in his bed.
    It all seemed too bizarre to have any one
action justify the other. Jack had no right to send me to

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