Feeling the Buzz

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Book: Feeling the Buzz by Shelley Munro Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shelley Munro
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, Romance, Gay, Contemporary
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both good and bad. She’d be leaving them behind.
“Where do you want to start?”
    “Inside, I think.” He bent to unlace his
boots and set them out of the way.
    “You know the way.” Jen left him to his
task and returned to the kitchen. “That was Liam. He’s come to do the
    “I told you the buyers were keen. Would you
like to sign the agreement now?”
    “When do they want to take possession?”
    “As soon as possible. My buyer asked if
next Friday would work for you.”
    “That’s not long!” Jen wanted to say no.
She wanted to shove both the agent and Liam out of her house and pretend this
had never happened. Then she thought of Gary Seymour. He had a family—three
boys and a girl from memory. She thought of her mother and finally nodded.
    The agent took her through the paperwork
and after reading everything she signed the agreement, albeit with a shaky
    Liam finished his inspection and left. The
agent departed not long afterward, leaving Jen alone with her shock. She had so
much to do. Where was she going to live?
    Her mind darted to Wayne and Sebastian.
She’d talk to one of them. On automatic pilot she reached for the phone and
rang the office. “Hi, Libby. It’s Jen. Do you know where Wayne and Sebastian
are this morning?”
    “They’re working out at the Portman
property, but they have the council inspector there this morning.”
    Best she didn’t interrupt them. “Can you
ask them to ring me when they check in?”
    “Sure thing, Jen,” Libby said. “Oops,
there’s the other line. I’ll talk to you later.”
    Jen hung up and wondered where to start.
She needed to pack her personal possessions, organize storage for the furniture
she wanted to keep and find somewhere else to live. No problem. She could get
that done in the allotted time.
    Her morning passed in a blur of business.
She organized to pick up cardboard cartons from the supermarket and started
packing her clothes in the suitcases she’d unearthed from the attic. Her
precious mementos were next, wrapped carefully in newspaper and packed in
another suitcase. She picked up a photo of her and her mother, the last one
they’d had taken together before her mother had become bedridden. Tears filled
her eyes as she stared at her mother’s smiling face.
    “Jen!” A familiar masculine voice hollered
through the house.
    “Wayne, I’m up here in the bedroom.”
    “Right where we want you,” Wayne said from
the doorway.
    “Don’t tell her that, numbskull. You’ll
scare her.”
    Wayne stepped inside her bedroom, followed
by Sebastian.
    “What’s wrong?” Sebastian scanned the cases
and the mess on top of her bed. “Are you going somewhere?”
    “A phone call would have done,” she said
faintly. With the two men in her bedroom it seemed to have shrunk.
    “We had to come into town to do a couple of
quotes,” Sebastian said.
    “And we figured we might score a kiss,”
Wayne added as he lifted her to her feet. Seconds later his mouth descended on
hers, stealing her breath.
    “My turn.” Sebastian batted Wayne away and
rubbed his forehead against hers. “You okay?”
    “I feel a bit dazed. I’ve sold the house
and have to move out in less than two weeks.”
    Instead of kissing her mouth, Sebastian
kissed the tip of her nose in a teasing manner and released her. She stared, a
little bemused. She’d never pictured him as playful. He was the serious one
while Wayne joked around all the time. This was different. Despite the dark
shadows under his eyes, he looked…content.
    “Where are you going to move to?” Wayne
    “I don’t know. I figured I’d check the
flatmates wanted section of the local paper and see what I could find.”
    Wayne and Sebastian exchanged a glance then
looked at her.
    “Move in with us,” Wayne said.
    A whoosh of heat hit her, stealing
her thoughts. Her mouth opened but not a sound emerged. She swallowed and tried
again. “No, that’s not a

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