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Book: Fearless by Annie Jocoby Read Free Book Online
Authors: Annie Jocoby
Tags: Romance, Literature & Fiction, Coming of Age, Contemporary, Genre Fiction, New Adult & College
things. But there was a hope that maybe this Nottingham might show a little bit of creative effort that might make this particular encounter a bit more enjoyable.
    He handcuffed my hands behind me, putting the handcuffs behind the posts that were on the arm of the couch. It was one of those modern couches that were ever-so-slightly avant garde , and the arm of it was metal posts that were connected to the couch arm. He raised an eyebrow, and then did the same thing with my legs on the other couch arm.
    Hmmmm, okay. Never been completely immobilized before. This might be more interesting than I initially thought. I felt myself actually start to warm up to this odd man, who really would be considered to be extraordinarily handsome by most of the world. I knew that objectively, so, if I could just concentrate on that and the fact that he had the ability to take some kind of creative initiative, I might start to enjoy myself.
    I laid there, completely immobilized, wondering what was next. I was curious as to what this man might do to me now that he had me completely where he wanted me.
    “Oh, Dalilah,” he said, as he ran his hands completely through the length of my body. “You’re so submissive. I never thought that you would be so submissive to me. Your eyes are so beautiful and passionate. I thought that you might give me a go. But you let me bind you without even a peep. You’re such a contradiction. A beautiful, beautiful, contradiction.”
    Ha. The man actually saw passion in my eyes. Well, he was going to see what he was going to see, but I knew that there wasn’t passion in my eyes, and there hadn’t been in a long, long time.
    “I wonder,” he said. “If you would let me lay you on your stomach and bind you. I would really like to try some things with you, but I can’t leave marks on your front side. That wouldn’t do, because I know that Luke is going to be painting you for a long time to come.”
    Ooooh, marks. He wants to do something to me that is going to leave a mark. I nodded my head, and said “yes, please. I would really like that.” And, I meant that. I had been roughed up before, and even had guys who were really into the sadism thing, and I didn’t mind it one bit. I liked it, in fact.
    And my curiosity as to exactly what this man wanted to do to me was overwhelming. So, I actually rolled over on my own and let him bind my hands and my feet, and I eagerly anticipated what was to come.
    At first, I was a bit disappointed. He had taken the belt off of his pants, and whacked me a few times on my back. I felt the delicious sting, which woke me up out of my ennui, but the creativity of such an act was clearly lacking in my book. It was such a cliché, really. Rich handsome man, into whacking young women on the back with a belt.
    Then, he got out the ice, and rubbed it along the parts of my back that he had clearly marked with his belt. It felt a little bit soothing, although I was quite sure that he was still trying to get me to cry out. After all, it was completely cold on my skin, and it was something that should have been totally uncomfortable. But it wasn’t to me.
    And then he got on top of me, plunging his manhood deep inside of me while simultaneously melting something hot on my back. I had no idea what it was, but he started licking it off while he rhythmically thrusted, so I would imagine that it wasn’t hot wax. Maybe some hot fudge. In which case, I was completely envious that he wasn’t going to share it with me.
    Some more thwacking with the belt came next, and some heavy-duty spanking. This guy wasn’t at all trying to go easy on me. He pretty much got down to the stuff that was really painful. But I appreciated it all the same, because it was making me feel. It was waking me up and putting me in a place where I wasn’t so comfortably numb.
    Of course, I would have preferred to be woken up in a manner that wasn’t quite so self-destructive. But it was a start.
    Anal penetration,

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