Father & Son: Book two of the Jensen Family Series

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Book: Father & Son: Book two of the Jensen Family Series by Michelle Day Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michelle Day
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whispered “Come with me Suzie,
let me take your guilt away.” He stepped back so that he could see her face.
    She shook her head, reaching up to pull
him close so that he would hear her. “I want to but I won’t cheat on Cameron.”
    “You are cheating on him.” He pointed out,
his hands had started to roam, teasing her in the way only he knew how, “You’re
here with me, kissing me, grinding on me.”
    “A slight slip up. I can’t be with you
Paul and being here is a mistake.”
    That last statement only served to get his
back up, since when had being with him been a mistake? He bent to snarl
something cutting into her ear when he was shoved from the side and had to
grasp her arms to stop himself from cannon balling into her.
    Matt grinned stupidly at his brother and
his sisters’ best friend. Holding the girl swaying with him at arm’s length, he
shouted “Hi Suzanne,” before leaning in to kiss her on the cheek. Turing back
he received one almighty slap across his cheek from the disgruntled female
shortly before she stormed off, “well, that was uncalled for.” He shouted at
her retreating back before dancing away on the search for his next conquest.
    From her vantage point of her bar stool,
Emily had watched the blond next to her catch Paul’s eye before she left the
bar and wrapped herself in him. Sitting up a little straighter, she watched as
the blond was dragged to the dance floor and positively crawled inside Paul’s
skin with her closeness.
    There was something different about this
girl, there was no outright in your face flirting with her that she had
observed him do with the females who had stepped between him and who she now
knew to be the club’s manager while they talked, none of the testosterone
fuelled male who had pinned her to wall in the hall earlier in the evening. In
fact, he was giving off the vibe that he was desperate to be with this girl and
even as she pushed him away it was blatantly obvious that all she really wanted
was him.
    With his proven reputation as a ladies’
man even at such a tender age, Emily was intrigued by his reaction to the girl,
even more so when he let her walk away. He didn’t stand still long enough to
watch her leave; instead, as she moved away from him, he made a beeline for the
bar where a drink of some description was put in front of him immediately.
    He needed a distraction otherwise he’d
leave the club and chase her home and more than likely tell that stuck up snob
Cameron that his tongue had been tonsil deep in her mouth only moments before
and watch as her precious relationship crumbled around her. Then she’d have to
turn to him wouldn’t she?
    Taking another gulp of his drink he knew
without a doubt, if he did that, she would never speak to him again and he’d
lose what little chance he did have with her. Caught up in his thoughts, he
didn’t see the girl that Matt shoved in his direction until she was pressed up
against him. He glanced down at her, his eyebrows raising as he saw what she
was almost wearing. Her pale pink nipples were peeping over her lower than low
cut top, just begging for his attention. God love his brother for noticing his
hands were currently empty. A slow smile spread across his lips as he passed
the remainder of his drink to her, watching as she downed it before taking her
for a spin on the dance floor.
    Emily sighed and leaned a little further
away from the sweaty, foul smelling man currently trying to peer down her top.
What had started out as a promising night had quickly taken a downward turn
when the procession of attractive younger men morphed into groping, slurring
idiots as the night wore on and vast amounts of alcohol was consumed. She had
had a few dances, taken a few phone numbers but found her gaze kept wondering
back to the Jensen twins, noting that each and every time she looked at them;
they were positively drowning in a vat of female flesh that pressed against
them as they held court on the dance

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