Falling for Grace (Four Winds)

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Book: Falling for Grace (Four Winds) by Anne Conley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anne Conley
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again.  Disgusted, she turned away from him completely and faced Rafe.
    Who was staring at her.
    The intensity of his eyes made her stomach flutter with heat, and she wondered what it was about him that made her feel like this?  Why didn't she just break up with Brad, instead of getting so frustrated with him, and starting something with Rafe, like she'd said?  He looked like something with him would be interesting…
    Except that she could tell he was intense, maybe too intense for her.  Starting something with him wouldn't be a casual thing, no matter how carefree he seemed.  The emotions he evoked in her were too powerful.  She knew that a relationship with him would be extreme, passionate, life-changing.  He didn't seem like the type to do anything half-way.  Starting something with Rafe would be a mistake.
    As she watched him, Rafe moved closer to her and lifted a hand to smooth her hair across her forehead.  She saw heat in his eyes, tinged with desperation and it scared her.  She knew that if she did anything with him, she could never come back from it.  He would be her Carl. 
    She stood abruptly, dusting sand from her shorts.  "I'm not feeling this party.  You ready to go home?"  Turning to Brad, she saw he had sat down in the sand, with the girl in his lap.  Grace sighed.  "I'll go get Brad."
    Rafe followed her silently, for which she was glad.  She didn't want to talk to him anymore right now.  She was afraid of what she might say.
    When she got to Brad, she saw he was drunk.  He was probably sitting because he couldn't stand on his own anymore.  She swallowed a snort, and pulled him up by the arm, dumping the girl out of his lap. 
    "Come on, Brad.  We're taking you home."  His gaze landed on her, and he smiled a goofy smile, before sinking back down to the sand.
    "Grashe!  So nishe of you to join ush."  He patted the sand next to him, "Shit?"
    She shook her head, "No we're going home.  Come on."  She tugged his arm again.  Brad looked like he was trying to get up, but kept falling back into the sand.  Rafe came and grabbed his arm.
    "Come on, man.  It's time to go."  Brad grabbed Rafe's forearm, and Rafe grabbed back, pulling him to his feet.  Rafe and Grace pulled and stumbled their way to Brad's car.  Rafe wrestled the keys from him before stuffing Brad into the front passenger seat.  Grace heard him mumble "fucking hero" before she got into the back.
    Rafe was an incredibly careful driver, and Grace wondered if he was like that with everything.  Did the guy never take chances?  He didn't eat fried foods, didn't drink, drove like an old lady.  What else did he do carefully?
    Brad turned in his seat so he was facing Grace, and she was surprised to see tears in his eyes.
    "I'm shorry, Grashe.  Nothing happened."
    "I know, Brad.  You're drunk.  We'll talk about it tomorrow.  Okay?"
    "I wazh trying to make you jealoush, Grace."
    She sighed, "I know, Brad."
    "Cuz of him."
    She rolled her eyes.  He was talking as if Rafe wasn't sitting right next to him.
    "You're being rude."
    Brad turned to Rafe.  "Shorry man, but she's my girl."
    Rafe kept his eyes on the road and continued driving carefully.  "I know, man.  I'm not trying to horn in on your girl."
    "Why not?  She's fucking gorgeous."
    Grace saw Rafe's knuckles whiten on the steering wheel.  "Yes, she is."  Rafe said quietly.
    "And she'sh awesome.  And she'sh mine."  Brad practically growled this last part.
    "I know that, man.  I'm not trying anything with her.  I was just sitting next to her, while you went off and left her alone."
    Grace was getting pissed.  "And she's right back here; you guys can quit talking like I can't hear you."
    Rafe's eyes met hers briefly in the rear-view mirror while Brad mumbled a quick apology.
    "I did, didn't I?  I left you alone sho that Mr. Hero here could work his mojo on you."
    "Brad, stop.  We'll talk about it tomorrow."
    "I want to talk now."
    She sighed.  This was not a

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