Fae High Summer Hunt

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Book: Fae High Summer Hunt by Renee Michaels Read Free Book Online
Authors: Renee Michaels
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    The Fae convened for a Greening were a spectacular sight. Their bodies smouldered with heat born of arousal, pulsed with an inner melody that would rise to a sustained crescendo when they began to love. Laughter and words, flirtatious and seductive, hummed through the vast chamber.
    Conversation fell to low whispered murmurs as the King and Queen glided to their thrones. The participants shifted to clear a path from the door to the platform. This gave the people flanking the royal couple an unhampered view of anyone who entered the room.
    Trumpets blared and Eldritch, King of the Waterfolk, strode into the hall, tall, slender as a sapling, dressed inexplicably in furs. He bowed to Oberon and clasped Titania’s offered hand and pressed his lips to its back. “I hope you know what the hell you’re doing for all our sakes,” he mumbled, and stepped back as the pixies swarmed into the room to buzz around Titania before they moved back. The brownies and the forest lords came next.
    The tap of hooves heralded the arrival of the satyrs. Naeme’s mouth dropped open when Panos lingered in the doorway, his eyes glittering with malicious triumph. The seal of the satyrs hung from his neck.
    He tottered forward and nodded at Oberon, whose eyes narrowed at the insult. Bending over Titania’s hand, he fixed his attention on Naeme.
    Pulling her hand back, Titania flexed her fingers as if to rid her hand of something nasty. “The new overlord of the satyrs, I assume.”
    The satyr planted his fists on his furry hips, and puffed out his chest. “Panos at your service, your majesty, Titania, Queen of the Fae.” Legs braced apart, he allowed his mighty cock to emerge from the coarse tufts between his thighs.
    Titania flicked a brief glance at his member and looked away as if she wasn’t impressed by his show of virility. “We were told by the late Pyric that Puck was heir.”
    “He was absent from the invocation ceremony, so I declared dominion over my clansmen.” The triumph was smug and blatant in his grin.
    “Oh, but he is found.” This bit of news banished the smirk from Panos’ face. “Our dear Valen found him asleep, frozen in an unnatural slumber. His memories were muddled. Very similar to the way Naeme’s were blurred. Puck?”
    Hearing his name, Puck trotted out, followed by several satyrs. Things wouldn’t go well for Panos. After Titania had meted out her punishment the satyrs would rain down reprisals on his head for his traitorous acts.
    Panicky at Puck’s appearance, Panos seemed at a loss for words. But there was no time for him to gather his wits. An icy mist drifted across the floor. Pale as an icicle and just as cold, the Frost Queen sailed into the audience room carrying with her a blast of frigid air.
    The impossibility Baylor had feared had come to pass. They were in the height of summer—she should be asleep, hibernating. A sharp tang of alarm filtered through the room and the masses shifted, restive, prepared to flee.
    They looked to Titania and she smiled benevolently. “Arine, you came.”
    “You did send an invitation. How could I resist?” Her eyes, a glacial grey, settled on Oberon, the avarice patent. “As it happens the climate is much colder than it usually is so I can prolong my presence here indefinitely.”
    “Not after the Greening,” the Fae Queen declared.
    “Your numbers are diminished, Titania. You must be able to generate heat to sustain the summer. You can expect an early winter and it will be long and bitter.”
    “Well, that’s what you’d expect after all the time and effort you expended to ensure your presences here tonight,” Titania said agreeably. From experience, Naeme knew that at her most pleasant, Titania was at her most dangerous.
    “What are you blathering about?” Arine snapped, not at all sure of herself anymore.
    “You’re greedy, Arine, and I can appreciate that as a woman of great appetites myself. I didn’t pay much attention to you when the

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