took me too many years of learning the hard way, but now I get it. Many a night I have flopped into bed wishing I could do more, but now I know that doing more means nothing when I am a burnt-out, frazzled mess.
Another contributing factor to lack of sleep is letting light into your room. Sleeping in a darkened room helps your body to produce melatonin, and if there is any light source intruding into your cave at night, whether natural or artificial, it can mess with your ability to make melatonin. As a result, it is more difficult for you to fall asleep, stay asleep, and get the restful sleep you need. Lack of sleep makes your body produce more of the stress hormone called cortisol, and increased levels of cortisol can do all sorts of unpleasant and frustrating things to your body, such as making it impossible to lose that last bit of belly fat, no matter how well you eat or how much exercise you do.
Do you need a bigger reason to run down to the nearest big box store and buy some black out shades? OK, I’ll give you one. New research is also indicating that lack of sleep can increase the chance of women developing cancer. So please, black out those windows, cover up your alarm clock with a towel, chuck the night-light, and crawl into bed.
For those of you with kids sleeping down the hall that might need mommy or daddy in the night, keep a flashlight on your nightstand so that you don’t fall over the heap of laundry in the middle of your bedroom floor. There is no reason to keep the lights burning at night, and your kids will also sleep better in a darkened room, too. If they want a nightlight to go to sleep, simply unplug it once they are snoring.
The moral of the story is that we all need adequate sleep at night, even when we feel as if we cannot go to bed without finishing that one last project. The truth is, you better go to bed because in no uncertain terms, lack of sleep in one way or another will most certainly kill you, and in that case you will no longer have to worry about those unfinished projects. The folks who live by the mantra “I’ll sleep when I’m dead” are actually on a faster road to that goal than they would probably like to admit. For more information on the importance of sleep, I suggest you pick up and read a copy of Lights Out: Sleep, Sugar, and Survival by T. S. Wiley.
Now what about stress? I am not asking you to eliminate stress from your life because that is simply an impossible request. Life is stress, good and bad. Stress is what motivates us into action, and without stress we would shrivel up and die. But guess what—just like everything else health related it seems, with too much of it we shrivel up and die; and fast.
Too much or unmanaged stress, like lack of sleep, is medically proven to do all sorts of wonky stuff to your body. Unbelievable as it might seem, solving your lack of sleep might be all you need in order to bring your stress down to a normal level. If you are sleeping well, eating right, exercising, and still feeling like you want to kick the dog, burn the Dr. Suess books, and have your hubby’s name permanently embroidered on the couch as his final resting place, then maybe what’s left to change is your attitude ! Yes, I’m calling you out on your own choice to be miserable.
This book is about eating paleo, but it’s also about adopting a lifestyle that is reminiscent of days past. Days when life was a tad simpler. Days when the bills got paid, the dishes got done, and you still had time to play with the kids. Why are things so different now?
We only have ourselves to blame, and like being able to make choices about what we eat, we can also make choices about how we feel and behave. Feelings don’t just happen to us, but rather are a state of mind we choose to be in. Situations happen to us and we can choose how we want to deal with them and feel about them. If you are dead-set on being pissed off about life, then you will be. If you are willing to
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