Enchanted Heart

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Book: Enchanted Heart by Felicia Mason Read Free Book Online
Authors: Felicia Mason
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I didn’t know how it would all turn out. I just knew it was going to be a mess.”
    Sonja bit back a sigh. How many times did they have to tread this particular path? Tired and sporting a headache, she didn’t feel like hearing all of this again.
    He settled on the bed, sitting on top of the burnt sienna comforter, another recommendation of the designer who’d helped them create a peaceful haven in the bedroom. All of the elements were supposed to work together forming a tranquil retreat for two people who didn’t know how to relax.
    â€œBut I also knew,” Cole went on, “that it had the potential to be either the best day of my life. Or the worst.”
    They both knew it had turned out to be the worst. “And what does that have to do with now?”
    â€œDon’t you see,” Cole said, trying to make her understand. “This is the same thing except on an even larger scale. The same things are at stake in what I do in Salvador da Bahia. The difference is a global stage.”
    â€œI’m not following you.”
    â€œWhen it was Heart Federated,” he explained, “it was my reputation and name on the line. Now, with this venture capital corporation it’s again my name and reputation. This whole thing sinks or swims on me.”
    Sonja still had a hard time grasping whatever point he was trying to make. “And you don’t think you’re up to the job?”
    Cole scowled and pushed off the bed. “That’s not what I meant.” He tugged at his tie and headed to the closet.
    â€œLook Cole, it’s late. I’ve had a long week. I’m not in the mood for subtle semantics tonight. If you have something to say, say it. If not, I’m going to sleep.”
    When he came out again, he stood before her, clad in a pair of full pajamas.
    â€œDo you still love me?”
    â€œExcuse me?”
    He stood at the foot of the bed. Sonja stared at him.
    â€œDo you still love me?” he repeated.
    Her mouth opened, but no words came.
    Cole took a deep breath. “Well, that answered that.”
    Sonja shook her head. “You just threw me off with the abrupt change of topic. Yes, I still care for you.”
    â€œCare . Now there’s a word laced with ambivalence. It’s right up there with vanilla ice cream and beige walls.”
    Sonja didn’t bother to point out just how complex supposedly plain vanilla ice cream was, or for that matter that all of the walls in their home were beige.
    â€œPeople care for their pets and houseplants, Sonja.”
    Sonja checked her heart and her emotional bank account. One was empty, the other near bankruptcy.
    â€œSometimes I do love you,” she amended. “At other times, I wonder why we ever got married. I think that maybe we were both caught up in a moment and a situation that naturally lent itself to intimacy.”
    â€œEnemies being the best lovers and opposites attracting.”
    She licked her lips, aware now more than ever before just what was at stake here. “Something like that.”
    When they’d met, she’d been out to destroy the company he so cherished. At some point during her campaign she’d fallen in love with him. The challenge then became how to save Heart Federated.
    Now though, little remained of the early fire she—they?—had taken for love. She loved him then, and even now. But was it the kind of love that sustained a marriage? Was she in love with her husband?
    â€œWhy are you asking me this, Cole? Why now? Have you met someone?”
    He looked genuinely surprised at that. “No. I’ve been faithful to you.”
    â€œYou sound disappointed. Is that because you have a boyfriend or someone you’re seeing?”
    Sonja shook her head. “No. I’m not seeing anyone.”
    When would she have time to date?
    â€œListen to this conversation,” he said. “Doesn’t it strike you even

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