Enchant Me

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Book: Enchant Me by Anne Violet Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anne Violet
Tags: YA), paranormal romance, Young Adult, teen fiction, teen romance
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thought I was and toppled him over. It was time he got a little
taste of his own medicine. His eyes were wide and amused as I
crouched over him. I leaned down close to him until our breaths
mingled between us.
    I traveled his face with my eyes. “You really
are beautiful,” I murmured.
    His brows drew together, his mouth
wry. Oh right, he didn’t like that. “I mean you are so dang
sexy,” I giggled. 
    His expression lifted even as I bent the rest
of the way to kiss his lips. I brushed my lips across his, once,
twice, and then settled in to the softest of kisses. It was
heavenly. I was right. His kisses were like full enveloping
caresses and I let myself get lost in them. 
    Only to find myself being rolled under him
again, I yanked on his hair playfully. “Hey, I thought I was
supposed to be the one in control,” I gasped. 
    He didn’t answer or even look at me. He just
pressed his forehead against my cheek and took a deep breath.
Realizing that he was trying to regain control, I moved my hands
down to his back and rubbed as calmly as I could. Eventually
he pulled us both up to standing and pressed a quick kiss against
my lips.
    “I think you’re middle name is Temptation,”
he sighed and took a step away from me. 
    Without thought I snapped right back. “Well I
think your middle name is Sin.”
    He softly laughed at that and wisely I kept
my distance while he let himself out of my house. The rest of
the week passed in a happy blur, seeing Christian in-between
classes and every other lunch, talking on the phone until the wee
hours when we could. We couldn’t hang out after school until Friday
since I had that belly dance performance to prepare for on
Saturday, but I still felt pretty lucky. That is…until Friday
    I had parked at school towards the back of
the lot as usual. My helmet off, I waved at Christian as he made
his way over to me, when I got that feeling I was being
watched. I looked around expecting maybe Jenny or Tanya at
worst, when my eyes fell on a lone still figure, staring at me from
across the lot from the yard of the mental hospital next door, a
chain link fence all that separated me from his malevolent stare. A
chill went over my body and I felt the blood drop from my face,
leaving me feeling colder than usual.
    He looked different although I couldn’t
describe how. Then intuition whispered-- it wasn’t me he was
thinking so maliciously about. It was Christian. Tremors
started to course through me even as Christian reached my side.
    He grabbed my shoulders and when I looked at
him I could see the concern all over his face. “What’s wrong,”
he demanded, looking around trying to find the source of my
    I glanced back to where I had last seen
Nicolas and he was gone. “I saw…Nicolas,” I stuttered, closing my
eyes and leaning into Christian’s warmth. 
    “Where?” he growled, his dark eyes were tight
with anger. I pointed to the hospital yard, knowing that he
was long gone. Christian wrapped his hard arms around me,
pressing me close.
    “What did I tell you?”
    “You wouldn’t let anything happen to me?” I
mumbled into his shirt. 
    “That’s right, come on. I will walk you to
class.” I could hear the restrained anger in his voice.
    His arm was tight around my waist as he led
me into school. He stopped me outside my first period class,
pinning me with his eyes.
    “I am going to walk you to all your classes
today, we’ll do lunch together too,” he lifted my chin with his
hand. “You are not to leave this building today without me ok?” I
nodded numbly.
    He brushed a kiss across my lips, “I want you
to let your friends know what is going on too, the more eyes on you
the better.” 
    I pulled him in for a quick, reassuring hug,
inhaling his scent before I walked into class. It wasn’t me I was
worried about. I knew intimately what Nicolas could be like when he
turned that laser beam focus on you.
    As the day wore on I started to

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