Emer's Quest (Manannan Trilogy)

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Book: Emer's Quest (Manannan Trilogy) by Michele McGrath Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michele McGrath
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part of my family and to use your talent for our good.”
    “ But why Hari? Why not Rolf? I would far rather marry Rolf.” Emer blurted out and blushed as she said the words. She had the strong feeling that, if she did not ask now, she would not be able to in future. The thought of marriage to Hari sickened her and gave her the courage to ask. The reply was unexpected. Atli laughed, stuck a finger under her chin and lifted her face to the light. He looked deeply into her eyes.
    “So you are yet another silly girl who has fallen victim to Rolf’s charm. You would soon regret that choice, take my word for it. Rolf is not all he seems. He loves women and then discards them, as if they were a worn out garment. I have no reason to think that he will change and certainly you are not the person to change him. You would have little pleasure as his wife and much grief. He has a vile temper and would not hesitate to beat you for any fault or none. You would also have to share his attention with other women, which I don’t think would sit well with you. I do you a favour in marrying you to Hari, despite his shortcomings. He is not an evil man and won’t do you harm. You need not stay with him for the rest of your life. If you bear children and, as a result, cease to dream, you can divorce Hari and go where you please with my blessing and support. Provided, of course, you leave your children behind you. Now come, let us go back to the others.”
    Atli swept out and Emer followed him, shaking. This man had cynically dismissed the feelings of his son and would dispose of her as soon as she had fulfilled her purpose. For a brief moment she wondered again if her father’s freedom was worth the price she and Hari would have to pay. Then she thrust the thought into the back of her mind as she had done before. It had to be.
    Next morning, Rolf set out again and Drifa sent for Emer.
    “While you are here, you may as well make yourself useful,” she said. “What can you do?”
    “Anything you ask of me,” Emer replied, ignoring Drifa’s frown.
    She was set to work with the other women washing and mending clothing in one of the huts. Emer was pleased that Freydis was among them, sewing up a long seam. Emer quickly took a seat next to her.
    “Can I help you?” she asked.
    “Here.” Freydis put the garment, a man’s tunic, into her hand. “Sew up this other side for me.”
    The two sat s titching, saying nothing as the other women gossiped around them. Most of the women looked at Emer speculatively but it was not until Halla, Drifa’s body-servant, had left the group that one of them asked,
    “Where did Atli pick you up?”
    “In Colonsey .”
    “They say that you came there on a longship.”
    “I did.”
    “ A captive?”
    “No, they are my friends.”
    “ Then why did you run away from them?”
    “I didn’t run away ; I chose to come here with Atli instead.”
    “ To marry that worthless Hari? Me, I’d run in the opposite direction if he wanted me!”
    Someone giggled. “No t even he’s daft enough to fancy you. Our Hari’s not made for married life. He should go back to those monks who’ve given him those strange ideas.”
    “You watch your tongue, Moda , and leave the girl alone.” An older woman came up behind them and spoke severely. “It’s not our concern who Emer is or why she’s come here. Atli will have his reasons for bringing her.”
    The group fell silent and then the talk started again about other things. When the others were distracted, Freydis nudged Emer and whispered,
    “Good for Kolla. She’s stopped them for now , but they’ll keep on at you whenever they can. If I were you, I’d make up some story about your past, as fantastic as you like. That lot’ll believe anything!”
    Emer giggled, feeling suddenly carefree. Perhaps she had actually found a friend in this strange place. “What should I tell them?” she asked, with a gleam of mischief in her eye.
    The two girls spent the next

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