EMBRACE THE DARK (The Blood Rose Novella Series)

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Book: EMBRACE THE DARK (The Blood Rose Novella Series) by Caris Roane Read Free Book Online
Authors: Caris Roane
Tags: vampire, paranormal romance, sexy read, sensual rmoance, Caris Roane
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like it had been shredded.
    “Gerrod, is it normal for a specie different from vampires to create extra blood?”
    He shook his head very slowly. “I’ve never heard of it before.”
    She scooted back on the bed, then stretched out, her damp hair still shoved away from her neck. She turned her head slightly. “I can feel the vein thumping away. Gerrod, will you try an experiment with me? Will you take some of my blood? I know you need some right now.”
    “Gus told you.”
    “I saw the tremor in your hand.”
    She met his gaze. “It is what it is, and I have weird blood. Would you at least try? Maybe right now I’m what you need and I really think you’re what I need.” It didn’t help that she slowly parted her legs.
    He chuffed a hoarse sound, something like a growl, then crawled over her body, lying between her legs. “You’ve had experience?”
    She smiled. “I had a boyfriend a few years ago. We enjoyed each other. A lot.”
    He wasn’t as satisfied with this response as perhaps he should have been. He didn’t like the idea of her with another man, any man, ever, not in the past, not in the future. He was being ridiculous since essentially, based on what she had said to him, this was what the humans called a one-night stand.
    She slid her fingers around his cock and squeezed just so. The breath he drew shuddered. “Your vibration again,” she said. “Like quick waves of energy. It’s just amazing. My fingers are tingling.”
    “Yes,” he whispered. He stared at her neck. The hunger that lived in him had become an old friend, someone he talked to, tried to cajole and often pleaded with. For the woman to lie there and be a promise that his hunger would be sated because she carried extra blood, seemed the height of impossibility.
    But there was something more, the vibration he felt in his body was stronger now, a kind of humming that was fast growing into an ache up the insides of his thighs, a claiming kind of ache, something he had never quite experienced before, like he needed to enter this woman and hold her pinned to his bed.
    But as he looked down at her, as he let his cock push against her lower flesh, this didn’t feel all that simple to him. Abigail could make light of this, she could bare her neck, she could talk about having enjoyed sex, but he understood exactly what she’d done tonight. She’d taken him in hand and offered herself, even her blood, for no other reason than that she had seen that he struggled with life tonight and she wanted to ease him.
    No, this was not simple.
    “You’ve shown me an amazing amount of compassion, Abigail. I will never forget this.”
    He leaned down and put his lips on hers. The tingling of energy was stronger now. She released his cock and slid her arms around his back, moaning softly, her fingers exploring the muscles of his shoulders and arms. He lowered himself onto her and deepened the kiss.
    She moaned again, a huskier sound this time, but drew back slightly. “All that constant vibration against my mouth, where your hands touch me, where your legs are connected, even your cock. Oh, Gerrod, we should have done this when I first came to the castle and never stopped.”
    He smiled as he kissed her again. She was right, the energy waves were very strong between them. He’d never known his mating frequency to feel so weighted. Usually it was just a faint hum, but this had power.
    Her mouth was a sensual moist well and he savored, thrusting his tongue slowly, a foreshadowing of things to come, of things to ‘enjoy’.
    She suckled the end of his tongue and a shot of pleasure rose up within his abdomen, tugging hard. He thrust harder. She suckled harder.
    He drew back and chuckled. It was all so enjoyable. He’d forgotten how wonderful this could be.
    She smiled in return. “My God, you are so beautiful when you smile. It sort of curves up on one side more than the other. A half smile.” She reached up and kissed the side that

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