Elphame's Choice

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Book: Elphame's Choice by P.C. Cast Read Free Book Online
Authors: P.C. Cast
did not often meddle with the day-to-day activities of Her people; instead She chose one woman—someone with whom She had a special bond, and it was through this Chosen One that Epona led Her people. That Elphame had been marked so obviously by Partholon’s deity, especially while her mother still reigned as Goddess Incarnate, had been a source of awe and speculation since Elphame’s birth. Epona had touched Elphame, and now Elphame was determined to restore MacCallan Castle. Surely the honor of accompanying her in her quest would bring them luck that even rumors of the MacCallan curse couldn’t tarnish. Or at least that was what they had told themselves as they joined her. They had even believed it, until they had come face-to-face with the crumbling walls of the war-torn castle.
    As Elphame stepped into view the men and centaurs who had been gathered nervously several feet from the entrance fell silent. Most of them were accustomed to the sight of the young goddess, but her appearance still affected them—and that particular morning she looked even more extraordinarythan usual. Her face was alight and her skin seemed to glow. Several of the young men and centaurs found themselves thinking how spectacular she was, and when her full, sensuous lips tilted up in a brilliant smile, many of the gathered males felt an answering response in their blood—but only briefly—until they reminded themselves that they could not lust after a goddess come to earth. No matter how tempting she appeared.
    When Elphame spoke her voice carried through the group like a firebrand. “From the blossoms on the branches, to the singing birds and the whispering breeze, to the pillars of this castle—we are being welcomed. The very stones of MacCallan Castle greet us with joy. It will no longer be a ruin.” Elphame raised her hands over her head and shouted, “Rejoice! It will be our home!” Heat tingled through her arms as it had when she communed with the stone and her body felt deliciously on fire.
    The group reacted as one, not so much to her words or to the idea of rebuilding MacCallan Castle, instead they responded to her—their spectacular goddess. With one voice they shouted a cheer that caused the ancient walls before them to echo again with the jubilant sounds of the living.
    From his hiding place within the trees Lochlan watched the group. Men and centaurs—young and proud. He recognized the fire in their blood as they responded to her. And he recognized her, too. How could he not? He had known that he would find her here. Still, the sight of her jolted him. She looked so much more alive than she had in his dreams, and seeing her in person made him realize that he had never really comprehended the depth of her beauty.
    Her body! It radiated passion and otherworldly power. He felt a surge of desire deep within his loins. His blood pumpedhot and strong, and with his arousal he felt his massive wings quiver and begin to become erect. Quickly he forced himself to look away from her so that he could bring his lust under control.
    Pain spiked in his temples and radiated throughout his body, carried by the blood that pulsed hard and hot within him. His body fought against his desire for control, but, as always, Lochlan pulled from his well of humanity to conquer his darker impulses. The pounding of his blood quieted. His wings shivered once more before refolding neatly against his back.
    He ignored the familiar pain that continued to echo, phantomlike through his mind.
    Once more in control, he allowed his eyes to return to her. At that instant she raised her arms over her head and the group shouted in response. He smiled, showing long, dangerous-looking canines. She made him want to shout, too. He had been right to come alone; the others could not possibly understand. But thinking of the others sent a tide of despair through him that threatened to engulf him. He could feel them. He could always feel them—their need, their pain,

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