Electric Moon
what she faced and broke the silence. “You mentioned troubles?”
    “I wondered how long you would last. Most people babble
within the first five minutes.” He sounded impressed, which left her stomach a
bit queasy. There didn’t seem to be enough oxygen in the cramped confines of
the car. “Remember the drug leak you told me about?”
    He was talking about the woman who’d tried to steal Taggert
from her by drugging him. The drug had weakened Taggert to the point he could
no longer heal himself.
    All to make the twit appear stronger.
    The only thing that calmed the rage seething through her was
knowing the woman would’ve suffered under Randolph’s tender mercies.
    Uncertain of Randolph’s mood, Raven cast him a quick glance.
Nothing in his expression gave him away. “Yes.”
    “You were right. The lead didn’t have much information. She
was a pawn. I’ve been tracking the escalating drug use in pack.”
    The words were half a question, half an accusation. “And found
nothing. That’s not why you came to me.”
    Randolph gave a short laugh that made her cringe. Absolutely
no power resonated from him, his control phenomenal. She was almost jealous.
    They were two blocks from the crime scene, and she found her
foot resting heavier on the gas pedal, unconsciously speeding to reach safety. Not
that a crowd of people would be able to stop him if he had his mind set on
    “I discovered a more dangerous drug, a twin to the one you’d
    “So the first was a prototype.”
    “I want you to help me find the people responsible.”
    Raven had to swallow twice in order to speak. “Why me?”
    He ignored her question as immaterial. “The new drug is
called Alpha, but it’s a closely guarded secret between a select few. No one I
question can find the source.”
    Tortured, he meant.
    The news troubled her. It didn’t make sense. “What does this
drug do?”
    “It gives shifters the ability to experience what it’s like
to be an alpha.”
    “What can I do that you can’t?”
    She didn’t want to know what he was thinking. The safest way
might be to work with him, but she had a feeling if she gave him even an inch,
no one would ever find her body.
    When he didn’t speak, she turned to find him staring at her.
“I’ve dug into your past.”
    Blood rushed to her head, and her vision wavered. Her grip tightened
on the steering wheel, doing her best not to react. If he didn’t know her
secrets already, she couldn’t have him know there was something to learn.
    He was the type of man who would keep searching until he found
    “They say you are the person to go to if you want something
    “So you want to hire me for a job?” She couldn’t keep the
disbelief out of her voice.
    Randolph must have found it amusing but his smile didn’t
reach his too pale green eyes. “The council gives me leave to use whatever
resources I deem necessary to solve my cases. You have the talent and
connections that I don’t.”
    Then Raven understood. “Because I’m now on the police force.
You think humans are behind the sudden increase of this Alpha drug.”
    Randolph couldn’t afford to harm humans. They were too
fragile and easily broken. The shifters would hunt him down after the first suspicious
death in order to protect themselves and keep the illusion that they could all
live happily together.
    Raven shivered. She appreciated why someone would crave power,
but there were other consequences to being an alpha. The uncontrollable rage, bouts
of violence, the need to dominate and protect against any threats...real or
imaginary. Randolph nodded at her. “I see you comprehend the danger.”
    She wouldn’t have a few weeks ago.
    She didn’t say anything as she parked. Lights flashed in the
distance, police tape strung around a lone vehicle a few car lengths ahead of
    “I’ll let you get back to your work.” Randolph exited the
car without any overt threats.

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