Eggshell Days

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Book: Eggshell Days by Rebecca Gregson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rebecca Gregson
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Their baby daughter, Toby supposed. The evidence for his paternity was all there. What man would offer to change the dirty nappy of another man’s child?
    He’d promised himself to take the secret to his grave, but not before dancing on another one. The Victorian family values that had so damaged his own life were being swept away by a demographic tidal wave before his very eyes. He’d caught wind of the blast of heartfelt disapproval over Emmy’s untimely pregnancy and was furious. If Emmy chose to be a single parent and Niall respected that, then good for them. Why should she name the father if she didn’t want to? Why should they live like man and wife? It was after that short weekend visit that he made up his mind. Bodinnick was Emmy’s if she wanted it, and if she didn’t, well, the money would help her stick two fingers up to the lot of them.
    Toby took his unswerving belief about Maya’s parenthood with him, never suspecting that he could possibly have read it wrong. The truth was that she couldn’t have been Niall’s child, much as they all might have wished it. By the time her little seed had been sown, so much water had rushed under the young couple’s bridge that the timing wasn’t just out, it was long gone. Emmy knew it, Niall knew it, and, by osmosis, Maya knew it too. Not that minor details like that mattered.
    Maya was the size if not the shape of a watermelon when Niall first laid hands on her, through the skin of Emmy’s tightening stomach. Feeling the familiar landscape of his ex-girlfriend’s torso with the touch of a friend and not a lover had been the only gesture in the whole reunion that hadn’t come naturally. The effort not to slide his fingers round her widening waist and squeeze the flesh of her newly ample bottom again was superhuman, but he owed her at least that. Three years had been a hellishly long time without contact.
    Her letter when it came had been short. I’m pregnant again , she’d written, and I need to explain to you why I am going to keep this one . But she never really had explained.
    As soon as he realized the father wasn’t going to feature, he was willing to listen. His first call, her first visit, their first laugh all came easily, without regret. But the hands-on-bump thing was different. It affected him in a way he couldn’t describe.
    â€œAre you the father?” the student midwife asked him as he helped Emmy count her way through a contraction. “Not this time,” he said. The midwife thought he meant that he would be the next, not realizing that he had been the last. “If you play your cards right,” she joked.
    Anyway, he’d seen Maya take her first breath, and no one, not even her real father, could take that away. Holding the baby while Emmy was stitched up, studying Maya’s freshly peeled rawness, he’d fought a dark desire to merge her with the unborn one, the one that still existed between them. He never spoke about it, but for a split second in the delivery suite the two lives had become one. Maya’s wet black hair had become even wetter as he put his head as close to hers as he dared, but Emmy was not only drugged, she was so completely out of sorrow by then that she didn’t notice. It was a lifetime ago, literally.
    The echo of a dusty collapse somewhere behind an old screen made the thick store walls shake.
    â€œWe’re okay,” Maya shouted.
    Now that she was so far removed from the image of that helpless prawn, Niall would look at her and recognize not the unborn but himself—his own tilt of the head, or his way of standing with hands in pockets, one hip lower than the other. The secret longing to hear her call him Dad was too corny even to contemplate, but the fear of another man standing a better chance still occasionally loomed. His usual comfort lay with Maya herself, who appeared entirely unconcerned about the

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